The Moonlit Dream

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A few days after You and Ren's Musical encounter, His gorgeous face was completely planted Into your mind. His beautiful eyes, his perfect hair, his luscious lips, it all was too Much for your head to process. After a long and deep thought about him, you hear a knock on your dorm window. Courious; you go over and open it to see Ren standing on the large balcony. He had on a black silk dress shirt, tucked into pure white dress pants, and white dress shoes. He had a fresh healthy rose in his mouth. It seemed like he was waiting longer then you believe. "Ren-Chan?" You questioned him shockingly. "Are you ready to go, (Y/N)?" He held his hand out to you, giving you that sexy grin you grew to love so much. "G-Go where?" You said as you peeked outside. The night sky was breath taking. "Out. Tonight is so beautiful, I wanted to enjoy the glorious moonlight with the most glorious girl i laid eyes on" His statement made you blush deeper then ever. "B-But I'm not dressed" you stated, pointing to your purple nightgown. He gave a low chuckle and smiled at you "I thought you might say that. Is this dress enough to get you to come with me?" He asked you, exposing a beautiful black silk dress. The sight of it gleaming in the full moon's ray of light mesmerized you. You stare in awe at the beautiful fabric he beheld in front if you, slowly raising your hands to retrieve it. After you take it from his larger hands, you place it to your body, seeing it looked perfect for and on you. "Try it on" he calmly urged you. You glance up and him and nod, going back into your room and closed the curtains. After a few minutes, you open the curtains revealing yourself in black, sandals, the black dress he gave you with a white satin bow tied around the waist (your personal touch), and your hair was in a ponytail. His eyes widened a little from how much beauty radiated from you. "(Y/N)!....You look beautiful!" He gushed, smiling wider then ever at you. You spin around a few times to show off your beauty with a smile. He grinned and took your hand, causing you to freeze. He slowly brought you to the balcony edge and began to climb over it. "Where are you going?" You asked. "You mean where are we going. And I told you, tonight we go out together" he hoped off the balcony. It was pretty low to the ground, so he was able to jump. He turned his attention to you and extended his arns outwards "Jump" he told you "What?! Can't I just climb down?" You whimered and pleaded. He chuckles at your whimers and grins again. "Don't worry (Y/N), I'll catch you. I promise" he reassures you. Seeing how serious you saw him, you swallow you fear, press your strength, and releases the banner. You shut your eyes tight expecting to fall flat on the grounds, instead you slowly open your eyes to Ren, holding you in his arms as a warm embrace. His face was so close to yours, it almost set your heart on fire. "Got you (Y/N)" he winked at you and places you into the ground. You glance up at him. His warm gaze was directly on you, the moon his bright compassionate company, the star a beautiful background decoration. The sight sent deep chills down your spin. He wrapped his arm around your waist and began to walk along the moonlit path, bringing you alongside him. The night grew older and older as you two bonded perfectly. Talk of your future, your interest, and what your self image is flared between you two. After at least two hours of nonstop talking, you find yourself wrapped in his arms, your head on his chest, both of you gazing up at the stars. It seemed like the perfect date. "I had a lot of fun today. J
Im really glad you choose me for this night out" your gaze of the stars reverted to him. He noticed your stare and returned it to you. "I wouldn't want to leave my kitty kat behind" he winked at you "Kitty Kat? Is that my new nickname?" You giggled and asked him. He nods and begins to lightly stroke your hair. His gentle hand was so soothing to you, his touch was so calm and relaxing. As you begin to doze off, your cheek tingled as if warm rose petals danced across it. You soon after realized it wasn't a flower that had fallen onto your face, but a gentle kiss! Ren had held his lips onto your cheek for a brief moment, causing your entire body to heat up. You blushed deeper then ever. He eventually draws back from your cheek. "R-Ren-Chan?" You exclaim. He chuckles and smiles at you "How adorable. Did you think I would end tonight with a simple stroke on the head?" He tilted your head upwards by the chin, His blue eyes burning through yours. "Are you ready?" He said, leaning closer and closer to you. "R-Ren-Chan!" You proclaim a bit bewilded. He sat back up, grinning "You're so cute. I was only kidding. Come on, i'll take you back to your dorm" He stood up and extended his hand to you. The sight was almost like a perfectly watercolor painted portrait. You grinned at the beautiful sight and took his hand. The both of you walk back the path you took before, swinging your intertwined fingers in the light wind, speaking about things you wish would happen and why. After a while; you two made it back to your dorm balcony. He let's go of your hand and holds his own, forming it as if a step stool. "Here, I'll give you a boost" he told you. You place your foot into his hands and he lifts you to the bannister, from there you climbed over the balcony ramp. He jumps omto the ramp and climbs over, walking to the back door. He holds it open for you, awaiting for you to go inside "After you M'lady" you walk in and turn your attention to him. "I had a really great time tonight. I hope we can do it again sometime" you gushed happily. He smiles at your statement and brushes a lock of hair away from your cheek "I would love to. Until then Kitty Kat" he kissed your cheek once more and goes over to the bannister, hoping over it and disappearing into the night. You close the door, take off that beautiful dress, put on your nightgown, and hoped into your bed. The first thing that popped into your mind was Ren. You smiled at the thought and closed your eyes, allowing yourself to dream.

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