Coffee girl: Meeting Elvis

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A/N:So PSA the dates probably aren't accurate but i'm trying my best sooo bare with me please dolls, also donttttt judge the grammar i know im 20 years old and i should know how to write correctly and i do but i dont expect this story to take off or anything. Also there will be a couple parts to this one and its going to be long..... so just between you and me and my bad grammar :) luv yall- Dre


Dre's POV

Last week Marion and Sam, my bosses at Sun Records, informed me that Elvis Presley was coming to record his new hit Heartbreak Hotel. He had gotten signed with RCA a while ago but agreed to make Marion and Sam an exclusive copy. (yes i know it doesnt work that way because of copyright etc but i remembered he had signed with RCA mid story sooo) Well ever since they told me I've been a nervous wreck. Elvis was a year older than I, and we went to the same high school for a couple of years. I moved from Texas all the way to Memphis my sophomore year, I remember when I had first laid eyes on him, I was 15 at the time and I swear I fell in love with him. Well fast forward a few years and my 20 year old self is still very in love with Mr. Elvis Presley.... along with the rest of the female population in the south and most likely the U.S.A. Elvis has become quite famous in the past year, performing in any live event in Tennessee you could think of, live radio, the news, headliners,  and touring even!

I doubt Elvis ever noticed a girl like me, and most of the time I was glad about it considering the embarrassment of a teen I was. Occasionally, I had hoped he would come up to me and ask me to the dance or to lunch or just acknowledge me. I suppose those were just my teenage thoughts at the time, I'm grown now and realistically in the massive sea of women after him, he wouldn't notice me for a second.

"He likes Pepsi, hon." Marion said to me snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh, sure Marion. Anything else?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady hoping I didn't sound nervous. I really wasn't good around guys let alone a guy I've had a crush on for 5 years, let alone Elvis Presley.

"Yeah, get the rest of the guys Pepsi's as well, and some coffee for all of us please, Dre." She said handing me a few dollars so that I could run to the little diner next door. "They'll be here any minute now, oh I'm so excited to see my boys, Its been too long!" she exclaimed clapping her hands together. I flashed her a small smile and nervously looked at the door, knowing that Elvis may be standing in this studio by the time I get back.

"Oh, is someone star-struck already, dear?" she laughed at me and I laughed back. "What? No Marion!" I lied to her chuckling stupidly. " I went to high school with him, I've seen him loads of times." I rolled my eyes at her. I then felt a pat on my back. It was Sam.

"Oh so someone has a high school crush then!" Sam said joining in the taunting. "Well that's quite alright, I think it's adorable! Don't you think, Sam?" she said failing at making me feel any better. "Sure!" he chirped. " You have nothing to worry about hon, you're quite the looker, I bet you'll even catch the ol' boys eyes." He added, meaning Elvis. Yeah right, me catching Elvis's eyes, no.

I gave Sam and Marion a pathetic smile while scratching the back of my head. I took the money and headed to Gloria's Diner next door. I greeted Gloria and we chatted for a bit while she was putting the fresh coffee into take out cups and taking the Pepsi's out of the fridge. I was hoping this conversation would last as long as the recording session. To my dismay, it did not. I handed her the money and started towards the door, already seeing a couple of fans outside the studio. Barely being able to carry all the drinks and free donuts, courtesy of Gloria. I took a deep breath and stepped out the diner, seeing that famous pink Cadillac in front of the studio.

Elvis's POV:

Marion pulled away from kissing my cheek for the third time since we walked in a few minutes ago. We all greeted each other. It was crazy to believe that this is where I was at not too long ago. It was good to be home, and of course I would record my old friends an exclusive recording of Heartbreak Hotel. After all, Sam Philips discovered me. We got set up to start recording and since this session wasn't anything serious we goofed off for a bit.

Elvis Presley: Coffee GirlWhere stories live. Discover now