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"mane hold it weak ass"dontae said while trying to screw the bed frame to the rails

"nigga don't you see me trying it's heavy"I complained

"we'll try harder or this gone collapse on you tonight"

"words are strong you know"

"well hold it then or you wanna switch"

"if I knew how to do it than I would"

"bro lift it up higher"he said lifting it up with his foot

"you got it why can't you do it?"

"who bed is it mines or yours?"

"shut up before I get my dog on you"

"and you gone be sleeping on the floor with that mattress while you watch your bed in the corner not put together"

"ok I wanna switch"I said and he shook his head

"don't let it go yet" he said while holding lifting the side of the bed "gone head twist it my way"

"I'm not getting no where with this you sure you know what you doing?"

"push it in and twist it"

"I did it"I smiled and clapped

"slow ass I tell you"

"niggas just mad that I can do what they say they can so call do"

"ain't nobody mad"

"just help me put the mattress on"I rolled my eyes

"I don't know man your pretty weak"he said while putting the box springs on and the mattress

"ouch that hurts Superman"I said sarcastically

"you and this sarcasm shit" he said turning to face me he was lowkey fine he had on a all black Nike tech with some black 4's on and his braids was dangling from under his hood he had on and a diamond chain on let me find out he got cute just to come see me

"what happened to yo face"he said coming closer

"nothing" I tried to turn away but he yanked me by my arm and turned me back around

"what the fuck happened?"he said using his hand to lift my chin up to look at him

"not- I tried to start

"don't say it was nothing cause it obviously don't look like nothing"he said examining my face

"it's none of your business"

"I know it's not but just tell me"

"if I tell you than you can't tell anybody"



"promise"he let me go and I went to sit on the bed

"my mom did it that's why I didn't come to school yesterday or today she abused me my whole life that's all I'm telling you because I don't know you like that to be telling you all that I hope you understand"

"you cool well imma head out is that all you need?"

"yea thank you" I said walking him to the door

"you got my number let me know when you need anything" he said before walking to his car and I closed and locked the door and let rhino out and I put the bed set on my bed and cooked me something to eat

*Incoming call from Layla*

I let it ring out before it hung up and she called again

*Incoming call from Layla*


bitch I know you see me calling you pack my momma some comfortable clothes and don't steal nothing from out they room bum

I read the message without opening our messages thread I took a bite out of my chicken and blocked her and my mom I finished eating and let rhino outside in glad the back yard was gated I went to put on some pajamas and tried to set the tv up but I needed Wi-Fi to do it that's something else I have to and I have to get more hygiene stuff and unpack some more clothes along with more house decor I had 6,097 dollars left I let rhino in and put his bed closer to mines and fell asleep I was exhausted

Sorry for any typos
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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