part 4, depression+ acceptance

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(yes the blonde one is Aira)

after Kohaku went home he regretted it becuase hes an idiot and forgot his wallet thingy however he was kinda scared to go back since he just looked insane in front of that person who did not know the name of, he breaks down crying since he now has absolutely no money or anything ,, he goes to lay down and stares at the ceiling, trying to process what had just happened, the person had a comforting thing about them, he wasn't really sure what but he figured he would probably never see him again so tried to not worry about it too much ,, however he was scared about his wallet and then just went back to thinking about the blonde person he had met "why was I so stupid and ran away ,," he whispers to himself, it couldn't be that,, NO. it can't be, he is ACTUALLY A HOMO?? he tries to fall asleep to distract himself despite it being 2pm.

Aira pov:

he sat there confused for 10 seconds then yelled "hey wait !! you forgot someth- oh he's gone"

Aira didn't want to be nosey but he couldn't help but open Kohakus wallet and found out his address and other information, then he planned to return it in a week, since he was very busy then walked home puzzled, he called up Tatsumi and told him about it, looking for advice
"yeah I just don't know what to do, it was so random, I hope he's okay,," Aira says after explaining
"dont worry too much Aira, just return it and I'm sure god will lead you the rest of the way" Tatsumi replies, Aira can hear Mayoi in the back rummaging around and decided to not bother them even more and says goodbye to the both of them since they're also quite busy with work, he stares at the wallet still quite confused as to why Kohaku ran away then tightens his grip on it "oh my god just stop worrying so much !!" he tells himself and enters his home.

Kohaku pov:

bang !! kohaku wakes up as he just heard a huge bang, to his surprise it's Rinne who wanted to borrow some money to gamble, Kohaku starts sobbing and Rinne just stares wondering if he should ask him about it but kohaku explains "Rinne oh my fucking god your AUDACITY TO BREAK INTO MY HOME, AND ASK FOR MONEY, MY WALLET IS LOST SINCE I RAN AWAY FROM SOME DUDE."

"oh okay, when did I ask ?" Rinne asks

"I hate you, you fucking homo, LET ME EXPLAIN I DO NOT CARE" he yells and then explains the whole story

"you- you're a homo too? congrats man crazy:b is just a group of homosexuals now"

"I- HIMERU? HIMERU IS A HOMO??" Kohaku starts crying


"ok bye, youll be back" Rinne says and leaves to go ask Niki for money

Kohaku is still crying and wondering where all these emotions came from, it's like they were pressed away far back but then remembers his windows broken from Rinne and stares at it, after an hour he went to sleep again

after 5 days he had not left his house as he was scared of seeing the blonde person again, and also just didn't feel like it, he had no money anyways so there was no point,then there's another bang,

"oh my god is that Rinne again ??!" kohaku yells but then two figures approach him



"SHUSH AND READ IT" they say and throw the suprisingly heavy letter at him, then they disappear without a trace

kohaku starts screaming then reads it after his moment, the letter reads
"dear Kohaku,
have you realised your destiny yet? you have pink hair and pronouns, it was destined to happen, anyways goodluck because he's coming over right now ohoho

from Wataru

(ps. his name is Aira you idiot, and goodluck againnn)"

Kohaku panics and runs to get changed and prepare for the one called Aira to come over, around an hour later there's a knock at the door and Kohakus heart feels like it's beating faster than the speed of light and he's scared to open the door, what if the homos are pranking him ?? He slowly opens the door and sees Wataru dressed up like Aira

"what the-" He says

"OoH kOhAkU, I hAvE a BiG hOmO cRuShHhH ON YOU." he sings

kohaku is staring at his terrible impression of Aira then sees something familiar in the distance, so he pulls Wataru inside and closes the door

"I hate you homos, but he's coming, HE IS AT THE END OF TJE PATH WHAT DO I DO ??"
kohaku screams at Wataru

"OhOhhhOoOoO AiRaAaAa aNd kOhAkUuuUuuUu sIttTinG in a TrEeEe-" Wataru sings since he has no idea what to do

then there's a knock at the door

Aira pov:

he walks down the path slowly wondering what to say, then 2wink appear because why not?

"ohh you must be Aira !! helloooooOo here's a letter for you too" they say then cartwheel away

"hm? why do weird things keep happening to me, maybe I'll just listen to what Tatsumi said before" he says to himself

then walks up the path to Kohakus house, he hears lots of screaming inside and someone's voice singing about kohaku and him? so he anxiously knocks and realises he was no idea what to say, he opens the letter he got thinking it'll give him an idea

"ohoo dear Aira

just say whatever man, this dude just has a huge homo crush on you, he might cry though,, I think he's kinda traumatised from past events, HAVE AN AAMAZING TIME DKCJEKV"

that didn't help but oh well (help me why is this just a random romance fanfic now😭)
Kohaku opens the door and appears to be scared

"oh hello again- are you okay you look-" Aira starts then realised their both as anxious as each other

"ooh uh yeah I'm fineeee" Kohaku replies

"OHHHHH AIRA AND KOHAKU SITTING IN A TREE K-" Wataru screams but kohaku duck tapes his mouth shut and then apologises and makes up the most random excuse about Wataru escaping a prison after 10 years, Aira laughs and notices Kohaku staring at him, not in a bad way though, or atleast he thinks so then Aira starts speaking again "are you sure?? you ran off last week just randomly, and with a broken leg too-"

"yuuup im fineee what do you need ??" kohaku replies shakily

Aira remembers what was written in the letter and wonders if it's true but then says "aha you forgot your wallet, so I'm returning it, also why are three of your windows broken?"

"ooh you know those stupid ho- I mean three people I know just broke in asking for money and giving me letters"

"oh I can help fix it if you want ?? and we can go to a cafe after"

Kohaku wants to scream and Wataru is crying happy tears because he's their biggest shipper and has written multiple fanfictions about them, which have gotten over 100k reads, but Kohaku and Aira don't need to know that-

after Ritsu appears on the floor so they both scream thinking he's a dead body, Aira grabs Kohakus hand and they run to the closest cafe, wondering if Kohakus house is still safe or if it's INFECTED with other homos (it is) and 5 years later they get MARRIED BECUSDE YES where hiiro confessed to Aira, Aira later cheats on Kohaku for Hiiro and they live happily, Kohaku is heart broken but then dates Hinata but is never the same so then he ends up reminding Aira of the memories they had, Aira and Kohaku end up together again and live happily until Kohaku starts being a homophobe again, so he's a homophobic homo


(oh my god im sorry for the end you can pretend that never happened if you want 😭 also sorry if it's cringy I wrote all of this fanfic at 4am in the morning missing 20 hours sleep and did this for fun figjdkvjwjv)

also my TikTok is @anttiqn so follow me, I have no active followers

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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