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My nails were almost done when a notification from my watch caught my attention. "Schlatt is live! EXPOSING RILEY'S SISTER. GET IN HERE." The fuck does that mean? I impatiently waited for my nail tech to finish my nails before quickly paying and rushing to Milo's car to watch Schlatt's stream.

Luckily, when I started the stream he had only just switched screens from the starting soon screen. He was playing The Perfect Girl by Mareux, one of my favorite songs. "Boys! This stream.. well this stream is a big one." He evilly laughed at the camera. "Today we're going to be exposing Apricot, otherwise know as RileyRock's sister." He had something in his hands. "She's currently with her 'best friend' Manny, so she won't see this for a few hours. But boys, today I found something.. and it might as well be a gift from god himself." God why must he be such a content creator. Stop dragging it out! What did he find? 

"I found her journal." 

He what. I started panicking. Milo was still inside, taking his sweet fucking time. How did Schlatt get it. I hide it every time I write in it. Did he search my room? Did I forget to put it away when I was done writing today? Did he read it..? My heart was racing. 


pls tell me this is a prank

It's not sweetheart😘

Time for you to move out

you wouldn't 

Try me apricot.




I hope you're having fun with Moth


 I hate him. I actually fucking hate him. Just as I started to think he wasn't all that bad he fucking pulls this shit. Was that his plan all along? To make me question everything and start feeling something for him just to hurt me to get me to move out? Are you fucking serious. 

"Boys I have just been informed that Apricot is in fact watching the stream, so let's all say hello to her and her 'friend' Milligram." He says while doing air quotes for the word friend. I rolled my eyes and continued to watch the stream, praying that he hadn't read anything. "Now, as much as I'd love to read this stupid thing to 47k viewers, I don't care enough about Apricot or what she writes in this thing. I just want her to know that it's time for her to move out, and hopefully this gives you the clarification you wanted earlier Apricot." He winked at the camera. 

When Milo finally got back in the car I made him speed back to my apartment. I didn't bother to tell him what happened, it was clear him and Schlatt didn't get along. The entire ride I was hyper focused on my phone, making sure Schlatt didn't do anything too stupid. He knew I was watching, he knew he had me right where he wanted me and I hated it.

As soon as I got to the apartment I didn't hesitate to barge into Schlatt's room while he streamed. He didn't seem surprised when I did either. It took him a solid thirty seconds to even turn to look at me, and when he did he seemed more surprised that Milo was there than that I was fuming. "Give me the journal." I spoke. He grinned and handed me the journal. I turned to leave before he interrupted me. "Where are you going? Aren't you going to tell me off? Perhaps move out?" "I'm going to stay with Milo for a little bit, the guy I should've picked for my Love or Host." I coldly replied. That hurt Schlatt, I could see it in the way his expression changed. It didn't last very long. "That's not what you wrote on July first." He smirked. My eyes widened. He did read it. "Go to hell Schlatt." Was the only thing I could say. I wanted to scream, cry, hit him, tell him in detail how he much he angers me, but I couldn't. He was live, he was muted, but still live. So I left. I couldn't stand to spend another minute with Schlatt, I never wanted to see him again.

The first night at Milo's was a mess. I was homesick, I was angry, I was hungry, and most importantly, I was hurt. Schlatt couldn't even bother to tell me he wasn't interested, instead he wanted to hurt me even more by brining something personal into it, and he had no shame either. I spent an hour and a half in the shower that night. The water was at the hottest setting, it only lasted for 30 minutes though. It went from burning hot, to the point that my skin was pink and sensitive, to freezing cold. I didn't bother to leave though, I needed to feel something, anything. 

I spent the next three days at Milo's apartment. He kept offering his room to me, but honestly I just wanted to be alone. I didn't even get the chance to grab anything from my room. Sleeping without my favorite stuffed animal was impossible. At some point I knew I was going to have to go back, I couldn't let Schlatt win. I was going to go once he started his stream. It was a Sunday, he normally did an alt stream Sunday nights at 7pm.  

As soon as the clock turned from six to seven I got in my car and drove to the apartment. I noticed Riley's car wasn't in the parking garage, he was probably out with friends. Schlatt's was though. I took a deep breath and unlocked the apartment door. It was silent, that was rare on a Sunday night here. Normally Schlatt and Riley would be screaming at each other though the walls while they streamed, not tonight. Was Schlatt even there? Did he go out with Riley too?

My questions were later answered after I walked over to Schlatt's room. He was sat at his desk editing a new video, Jambo was laying on his desk. I his room and went into mine before he could notice I was there. My bed was so much comfier than Milo's couch. My blankets were softer, my pillows were fluffier, the mattress was memory foam, I just loved my bed. After spending too much time on my bed, I finally got up and went to my closet. I needed new clothes, I had been wearing Milo's clothes all weekend, I needed something cute. 

While shuffling through the many jackets and tops hung in my closet, I made sure to be as quiet as possible. My plan was to grab enough stuff for a few weeks and go back to Milo's apartment. As far as I was aware, Riley didn't know what happened. I told him I was spending some time at Milo's to catch up, I'm guessing he didn't realize I was lying. He wasn't home either, so I guess he didn't care as much as he would if he was here. 

I was too deep in thought to notice someone had entered my room. My back was facing the door and I was trying to be as quick as I could. After hearing his voice, I realized I wasn't quick enough. "Back so soon? I thought I had finally convinced you to move out, Apricot." I jumped and turned to face him. He had a grin on his face and was slowly moving closer. I rolled my eyes and went back to packing, I had no intentions of giving him what he wanted. "I was so glad you left, it's been the best few days I've had for awhile. I'm sure you enjoyed it too, it seems like you and Moana enjoy each other's company a little too much." He continued, while I continued ignoring him. "Now Apricot, call me insensitive, but are you and him more than friends? I mean obviously you are, I've walked in on you fucking him before. Is that why you wanted clarification? So you could still be his little toy? So you could fuck him all you pleased?" He whispered in my ear. I turned in slapped him across his face, hard. I didn't even think before I did it, but I didn't regret it. He looked shocked. He held where I hit him with his left hand, while his right fist was clenched by his side. I was scared, I thought he would yell at me, or maybe even hit me back. But he didn't, he smiled. 

He smiled and then kissed me. This time much different than the first. This time was much more lustful. He kissed me like he's been craving it for weeks, and honestly, I had been too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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