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Before I knew it we were flying back to Texas. As much as I loved seeing my family, I missed home, and more importantly I missed Riley. 

Three nights ago when we had gotten back to our hotel Schlatt kissed me. I've been replaying the night over and over again, yet we both seem to be pretending nothing happened. I'm almost worried Schlatt regretted it. Even if he did, he can't change the fact that it did, and I'm not planning on forgetting anytime soon. 

Our flight departed at 7pm, which I was excited for. Schlatt let me have the window seat again and fell asleep almost immediately, I however couldn't sleep. I was staring out the window and the golden clouds that were beneath the plane. It was gorgeous. I was trapped in thought while mindlessly watching the sky change colors at the same time. My thoughts were everywhere but no where at the same time. 

Next thing I knew, we were starting to land. Schlatt woke up right as we began and started getting his stuff together. Riley had gotten back the night before and planned to pick us up. When we finally got back to the apartment it was nearly 1am. I was exhausted. Riley and Schlatt brought up the luggage while I crashed on my bed.

Waking up to the sound of Riley and Schlatt screaming at each other through the walls was a bitter sweet feeling that I hated to admit that I missed. It was just normal at this point, I felt like everything was normal again. Except it wasn't. I was still thinking about the kiss Schlatt and I shared a few nights ago, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Was Schlatt? I needed to know. 

As soon as I heard Schlatt's bedroom door open I bolted out of mine to go talk to him. "Hi Apricot.." He said, seemingly startled. "I need clarification." I got straight to the point and stated. "Not now." He dismissed. I huffed and kept pushing him. "Apricot now is not a good time, we can talk at a later time." I rolled my eyes and slammed my bedroom door before texting Milo to pick me up so we could go to the nail salon.

He arrived about ten minutes later and I didn't bother to tell the other two I was leaving. We drove to my favorite nail salon, a place I've been going to with Milo since I moved down here. We walked in the door to the salon and were instantly greeted by the owner, who knew us both on a first name basis and brought us over the the pedicure chairs. Milo moved here a year before Riley and I did, it was a total coincidence that we lived so close to each other again. 


Where the fuck did Apricot go?? I had been texting her for an hour and a half trying to make sure she didn't crash her car or get abducted by aliens, or worse- the government. I mean she didn't even tell me she was leaving, she always tells someone she's leaving. Normally it's Riley, actually, it's always Riley. She couldn't care less about me knowing her health status meanwhile I freak out every time she trips and falls on the carpet. 

I started mindlessly scrolling on Instagram to attempt to distract myself from all the stress in my life. It was starting to work until I saw Apricot posted on her story. I clicked it without giving it a second thought. It was a repost of Margret's story, which was a video of her at the nail salon laughing at Monday squirm in the massage chair. Are you fucking serious. 

Somehow I found myself sitting on the edge of Apricot's bed while I was throwing my hissy fit. It's not like I was allowed to be mad at her, we aren't together. Maybe that's why she was asking for "clarification" this morning? So she could make sure it was okay that she could still hookup with whoever she so help me god pleased. I don't care. It's not my problem. She doesn't mean anything to me, she's just my best friend's sister, nothing more, definitely less though.

While I kept telling myself I didn't care my hand accidentally slammed down on something solid, that's not how a bed normally feels, her mattress must suck. But it wasn't her mattress, it was a book? Since when can Apricot read? 

I opened the book and started flipping through the pages. The first page was dated last December. This was a diary? As much as I knew it was wrong to snoop, curiosity took over me and I flipped to a page that was dated 7/1/22, three weeks ago today. 

7/1/22 (Written the next day)

Today has been... eventful? I'm not sure how to feel if I'm being honest. I had my Love or Host today, and I had a bunch of attractive contestants competing for my love and Schlatt. Milo was there too, which just made me feel an a-ray of emotions, some were good, some were confusing. None the less, I still couldn't shake the butterflies that I was feeling the entire show. I first thought they were because of the show, then I began to think it was because the boy I had been obsessing over the last few months, who had just picked love and won my brothers show the week before was there, but it slowly became apparent why I was feeling this way, the boy I hate more than anyone else in this world. He was wearing a suit, and god damn did he look good in it. Does he always? I still can't find the answer to that, well that's a lie. I know the answer, I'm just not ready to admit it to myself, this journal, and especially not to him. As if he'd ever feel the same LMAO. I mean I'm hot, but I think he's just a little too far out of my league, not that I'll ever admit that to him. Plus I still haven't gotten over Milo, who made it to the final two for my show!? And you'll never believe who won! It was Schlatt!! And that's not it, he also picked Love? The entire show he gloated about picking host, he thought it was so funny that I kept him for more than three rounds. Truth is, I don't know why I chose to keep him, let alone pick him in the end. I keep telling myself its for the content, but I don't even believe the lies I tell myself anymore. That doesn't mean I know why I kept him in, I don't know if I'll ever get the answers to the million questions that I'm constantly asking myself. Regardless he had won and we went on our little Minecraft date as soon as the show ended. It was a lot more fun than I expected, but I still ended up ditching him to watch the Phillies. I LOVE BRYCE HARPER!!! I do not care a bit how much of a cocky bastard the man is, he's good at baseball and it's so hot. Plus, I love mean men. The meaner the better right? Unless they're Schlatt, then they can go straight to hell. Oh, and to wrap up my day I went to the ER. Schlatt thought it would be funny to rearrange my room, so when Harper struck out and I went to my room fueled by rage, I tripped and hit my head. It wasn't anything too serious, just a concussion and a few stitches. It was a normal occurrence for my brothers growing up, I've only had two concussions my entire life, Riley and Joey on the other hand... But all and all, regardless of the chaos it was a good night. Schlatt showed a new side of him, and I wasn't complaining about it either. 

Jesus fucking Christ this bitch writes a lot. But this is gold, this is my ticket to get her to move out, for good. I took the book back to my room and prepared for a main stream, I had already streamed on my alt this morning but this was too good to wait. So, I sat and my desk and hit the Start Streaming button. This is going to be amazing. 

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