×××××Chapter 11×××××

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POV. King

A few days ago I met the girl on the meeting day. However Iasai never came why?

Probably because he is scared, yeah probably!

Even though I am disappointed I wanted to see him.... No I mean uhmmm nooo....

Uhrg since the nine tailed fox visited and healed me I feel weird ... Uhhhhh


"Your Majesty!" The red elegant fox kneeled before the stairway, which lead to the throne, that had comfortable blue pads and a golden scaffold, I was sitting on, upon the marine blue carpet.

(Yes carpet. They are nice to their guests.)

The throne in all was 5 meters above the ground. The hall had many golden, crystal and blue decorations, however only on the sides and behind the throne. And the golden Chandelier had many crystals, in different colors but mostly blue, hanging down, which produced a beautiful light game.

The fox had white wizard clothes, which were more like a hood on, with a red gold front. It was a defense spell to ensure the safety of the wearer.

I signed annoyed and look again on the letter that came a few days ago.

"What is the meaning of this, Foley?" I tried to say it calm, even though I was annoyed.

"Your Majesty, I thought the meaning was clear. Well to make the long story short I have an omniouse feeling in the last days and it is coming frome here." The red fox named Foley said bored.

"Foley do you wanna make me mad? What makes you feel that way?" I more and more feel annoyed.

"Well Antonio, how should I know what is making me feel that way? Am I some sort of mental Medium? And if I knew what it was why I would I be coming here to investigate?" The old fox said sarcastic and annoyed.

"You... Whatever" I sigh,"What do you want to do now?" I helplessly mumbled.

"Firstly I wanna heal you because I feel q part of the energy coming from you."

"What?! From me? But I neve..."

Foley interrupts me "I now that is why I will do that so that you get a clear mind."

Flashback end

After that he healed me and I got this shitty headache. Uhrg

I wonder who practiced dark magic one of the twins? Or maybe some spy from the humans?

This whole thing is sensitive could my mind be already be so infected that I do things that I do not want to? Maybe the girl is the dark magic user, because since I met her I can not thing about Iasai without putting him down...

However maybe that is just how I think about him normally. I met him at the same time as the girl so why not?

I sigh defeated.

Maybe I should just meet Iasai to clear the whole thing....

Ahhh I sigh again.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! I have good news for you!" An ape yelled excited and barged into my study room.

Annoyed I hissed a what out of me.

"I hot the news that one of your children, named Iasai, has nature magic!"

What? Nature magic? Is that true?

I stayed silent so he knows that he should elaborate.

"After the eight prince fell into a sort of coma it was determined that he got two sorts of magic nature and I think animal? Well he is now awake and his doctor wants Sir Foley to teach the prince magic." The ape explained.

"Now Sir Foley wants you to decide what they should do. Sir Foley wants the eight prince to go with him to the wizard tower, however miss Cleopatra does not want him to go. The decision lies with you, my king." The Ape end his speech with a calm voice.

I nodded and swung my hand to dismiss him.

After the ape left my head met the dark red wood table. I am K.O.

One part of me just wants to send him away, which is the small part lile 35%, the other, the bigger one, wants to keep him by my side and feels like if I send him away I will make a biggg mistake.

I should just keep him by my side my guts are never wrong.

Suddenly it knocks on the door.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"It is me, your..."

(We all know what the ending will be right? From Starwars)

Well it is our little insider because when I was young my father also ignored me, but not like I do with my children. We have different reasons.

My father just hated us and hit us, because we were not the perfect heirs. I ignore my children because I don't want to be used by them like my brother did with me, he came near me when got a bit favor of father. Spread my secrets that I told him in trust and then got the favor from father for himself

Because of that I noticed that the children want power that their mothers want and teaches them that they also want that with the attribute of arrogance. And lastly my children are also scared of me. I do not want to scare them so I just go out if their way.

Foley was the only one who was there for me, when I needed someone, like a dad.

My mother wanted power, being queen, money and wanted to be the mother of the emperor to get more and more. The biggest horror was that she was addicted to alcohol, so that she was often very emotional mostly angry and that at me....

"Yeah yeah Foley. Come in!" I said with a small smile.

The old fox comes in and strode to me.

"It is time for your daily healing"

"Just get it over with." I mumbled, I hate pain even if I do not look like that.


So yeah. Sad story! Did you vision of the King change? If yes how?

Hope you enjoyed! Love ya all!

Oh and happy vacation time if you have some right now.

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