[5🎭]Raven dark

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The year starts with the same start-of-term feast and Sorting ceremony for the first years

Nothing new for Jungwon and Sunoo as this is now their 3rd year

Each house welcomes many new members and finally the feast ends

Jungwon waved at Sunoo as they are on their way to their common room by their prefect

"Oh!" Jungwon was a bit surprised to find Heeseung coming to take them,but he soon understand as he saw the badge on his chest

"Hyung, you're the prefect?" He asks the boy in front

Heeseung turns to look at him,a sheepish smile on his face "Surprising,right?" He Snickers

"No, not really,i actually think you're quite perfect for it" Jungwon praised

Heeseung never thought of himself as much of a responsible and caring person but all the people near him does

They heavily relied on him and Heeseung would always be happy to help them

He truly is perfect

"Ah..thank you Jungwon-ah"

He decided to stay with Heeseung for the night,talking about anything that comes to mind

He and Heeseung actually met in the first year and they became good friends, Heeseung is the one who recommend him in Quidditch and accepted him himself as he is infact the Gryffindor's team captain

Heeseung took a liking to Jungwon and cared for him deeply,people calls them the twin as their bond is as that of a real twin

"You brought Sunoo home?"Heeseung asks as he got his robe ready to do the daily prefect task of patrolling the corridor to ensure no one breaks the curfew

"Yeah,my mom really loves him"Jungwon mindlessly says,he kept thinking about his time with Sunoo with his family

"Don't you too?"Heeseung suddenly asks which took Jungwon by surprise

But Jungwon quickly turned the subject "are you patrolling?"

"Yeah,i swear to god,if those ghost plays trick on me I'm gonna use every spell i know on them"Heeseung hold his wand close

Jungwon snickers "Can i come?"

"You know you can't,if the other house prefect saw you they won't hesitate to take your points"Heeseung says reminding Jungwon the obvious,it has always been that way,houses at each other throat not missing the opportunity to take points from other

Jungwon pouts,with Heeseung he's always like this,maybe because he look up toward Heeseung as a real older brother

Heeseung ruffled his hair,a smile on his face "Go sleep,i might let you come next time"

And Jungwon jump,a big smile on his face as he wish goodluck to his hyung and went to sleep

Thinking of one particular scene until he fell asleep

'hey' Sunoo says as he sits near him,Jungwon's mom and her friends are still her talking about their lives

'hi,you tired?' Jungwon asks as he shift a bit to give Sunoo some space

'a bit,oh!,some lady came to me and says 'congratulations on your wedding' i was so surprised ' Sunoo laugh,but Jungwon felt so bad he couldn't bring himself to laugh with him

So he told Sunoo everything,about his mom's plan and why these people are invited

'oh!' Sunoo just says and became silent

Jungwon was so embarassed he can't bring himself to look at Sunoo

But all of a sudden

'i think it's kinda nice,you know?'

Jungwon was taken aback,a bit confused,he stared at Sunoo with a puzzling look

'ahaha,i meant the idea of us marrying each other, it's kinda nice' that's all Sunoo says before he was taken away again,leaving Jungwon frozen in place

Sunoo was waiting for his friends on the fourth floor near the library

They were supposed to study together after all their classes for the day was done

He was staring at the line of ants on one of the window when a boy called for him

"Kim Sunoo?"

Sunoo turns to look and he sees a tall boy waving at him

His skin pale but nice,a few moles on his face,he was handsome

"Urmm,do i know you?"Sunoo nervously asks, embarassed from the sudden attention from the handsome boy

"I don't think so, I'm Park Sunghoon of Hufflepuff"Sunghoon introduces himself but Sunoo is still confused

"Choi Soobin asks me to find you regarding the Herbology,he doesn't have time so he sent me to teach you"

Oh! Sunoo finally remembered asking Soobin for help regarding Herbology,so he sent Sunghoon because he was busy

"I'm sorry but now's not a good time"Sunoo scratch his nape, awkwardness eating him away

"No it's fine,i just wanna introduce myself and let you know"Sunghoon smiled at him

'stop smiling like that' Sunoo is having an internal crisis,Sunghoon is so handsome he can't think straight

"Hoon?"someone called and Sunghoon quickly said Goodbye to Sunoo and left,Sunoo doesn't remember if he says Goodbye back or not

"Sunoo?" A new voice introduces itself but this time it is familiar

It was Jungwon who was running toward him,cheek flushed and bangs out of place

"Why are you so hurried?"

"Why are you so red?"

With no one attempting to answer any question Sunoo asks another

"Where is Ni-ki?i haven't seen him ever since coming back"

"Me too,i heard he came back a little late because of some problem"Jungwon answers as he wipe his sweat off with the handkerchief Sunoo gave him "seriously i know you're 'athletic' but no need to run that fast, you'll hurt yourself" Sunoo scold as he helps Jungwon

When suddenly they heard Ni-ki "Sunoo-hyung,Jungwon-hyung"

Sunoo turns to look at Ni-ki expecting to find a blonde haired adorable Japanese boy but boy was he shocked

He sees Ni-ki,but not the Ni-ki he's familiar with

With now raven dark hair that covers almost the entirety of his eye and Sunoo swore he grew like 100 Inches, Ni-ki reach them and he towers over Sunoo completely

"What the fuck did they feed you?"Jungwon said out of shock,Jungwon is taller than Sunoo too but Ni-ki height is just ridiculous at this point

"Something you obviously haven't ever eaten" Ni-ki says as he stick his tongue out at Jungwon

Sunoo is still frozen from shock when Ni-ki smirked at him saying

"Guess I'm not the baby now,huh Sunoo- Hyung"

𝑯𝑰𝑫𝑫𝑬𝑵 𝑩𝑬𝑵𝑬𝑨𝑻𝑯 𝑮𝑳𝑶𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑭𝑳𝑶𝑾𝑬𝑹𝑺 » SunwonWhere stories live. Discover now