Fish Out Of Water

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All Uno had wanted to do was spend the day with her family.

That's all she had asked for!

The temperamental oni sighed in frustration as she searched for the one thing she had never thought of losing.

"P-papa!" Uno called out into the empty streets.

Just earlier, she had been trying to get her father to take their family to a dango shop nearby,but, She was interrupted by the sound of loud hollering. Hollering made by no-good, simple minded, humans.

One man seemed to have been harassing another about-what was it? He was harassing him about a discount or something. Evidently, the harasser was an honorable samurai who was "protecting" the streets of Kyoto. That man, who seemed nothing like any samurai Uno has ever heard of, seriously demanded special treatment?

A few humans gathered around the two men and began making a commotion about the possible outbreak of a fight.

Why are humans so damn nosy and childish?

Uno suddenly heard a shout emerge from the crowd as waves of people were nearly toppled over- including herself.

She soon saw a young, human boy push through to confront the two in one excited motion.

"Alright, a fight!" He exclaimed loudly, shooting an intimidating smirk towards the two "Who's getting their butt kicked today?"

The supposed "samurai" was taken aback by the newcomer's confrontation for a second, but quickly responded with:

"Who the hell are you?!"

The young boy placed all of his attention towards Samurai Man and gave him the brattiest grin Uno had ever seen.

"I'm always down for a fight!" He now, turned to the store clerk "I'll even let you state your case!"

"Well....this man...he's-"

Samurai Man had had enough enough of the young man's interruptions and charged at him like an angry animal.

"Mind your own business, pipsqueak!"

That seemed to be breaking point for Pipsqueak, because the next thing Uno knew was that Samurai Man was on the ground, flipped over, tossed around- everything seemed to be done to him!

Pipsqueak was pretty good at fighting, despite his stature.

For someone who looked like he had absolutely no muscle mass at all, this boy had showcased some serious talent...for a human...

"This one's kind" Uno blushed, inertly screaming at herself for swooning at the human boy. "A-as if!"

Little, did Uno know that once she was shoved in the crowd, she had ultimately been separated from her family.

It seems that, in the human world, Uno would always be a poor, misfortunate, fish out of water.

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