The Demon Market

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(Story is now told in third person)

It was a cold, foggy, morning in Kyoto's marketplace. There was an sad silence that hung in the air of the crowded section of the capital.

The clouds hung so low that one could possibly reach up with their hands in the air and grabs fistfuls of the grey objects. The consistent blanket of fog spread out for miles and miles. Along with the fog, there were several puddles of shallow water, both of which had been left behind after last night's thunderstorm. One would get the feeling of distress upon seeing the muddy remnants and catching the moist, cold, breeze that softly blew about.

This all,clearly, seemed to have an effect of the market goers' moods.

The residents of Kyoto all seemed to wear long, stretched out frowns along with a very blank expression in their eyes. Their heads facing straight ahead as they shopped for ingredients that would inevitably, wind up in their dinner. No one seemed to even speak clearly, it sounded as if everyone was mumbling quietly as if they were ghosts.

Well, all except for Uno Ishigawa.

It was April 20th, the girl's seventeenth birthday and she buzzed around excitedly through the market. Bumping into this, nearly running into that.

She chirped on and on about how happy she was that she were no longer stuck inside her house,and was actually, having a chance to see new things. Expand her confined horizons that she had seen ever since she could remember.

In fact, she and her younger brothers had accidentally strayed from their papa and separated from the man.

"Thank you, pa-" Uno turned only to find that she and her brothers were not anywhere near their father.

After coming to this realization, Uno felt not only panic,but, something else.

She felt like something familiar was watching her.

The redhead turned to find that something was watching her. fact, three oni, to be exact. All males.

Uno gulped and pulled her brothers into her chest.

"What are you doing, you crazy!?" The older of the two, Roku, growled.

The youngest Ishigawa child seemed to be the only other one to take notice that three male oni were staring his sister down intensely.

"They're like us..." she told him.

"Well, that's not MY fault!"

The youngest of her brothers, Kenji, wacked Roku upside the head and scowled at him- which caused one of the oni to chuckle in amusement.

"You baka! " he growled "Do you want them to take our Onii-Chan away?!"

Uno gulped at that.

She certainly didn't want to become anyone's wife, or, mate without consent....

Just as she were about to make a run for it with her little brothers, she felt a warm hand clamp down on her shoulder.

It was papa.

"I think it's best that you all stay with me..." He said seriously " you don't know who or what you could run into."

Uno nodded in agreement with her father and turned to see if they were there...

No one...they had left just as fast as they had shown up.

As the Ishigawas began to leave for home, they passed a few of the men in blue and white coats...

Uno had seen them...

One was looking at her.

She did the only thing she could think of:

Turned her head away and pretended not to notice.

((Hey, sorry for the dumb ending...Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter...took me quite a while to even start it tbh...))

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