Chapter 54: Lunar Princess Ranni, Queen Rennala

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A/N: Here we are with Ranni and Rennala's long awaited reunion. Ugh, more if that old-timey dialogue I hate so much lol. Unfortunate that some of Elden Ring's best waifus speak ye olde english v.v


She awaits him outside of the Grand Library, having not entered yet. Not because she's afraid of this reunion, or anything like that. No, she is Lunar Princess Ranni, Goddess of the Stars and Moon. She was afraid of nothing. Rather, she had something to say to her Consort, before they entered the Academy Library together, hand in hand.

As he approaches, the satisfied smile on his face lets her know that his liaison with the Eternal Queen went in his favor. Not that Ranni doubted him for a moment. Still, even the thought of him putting Marika in her place with that massive, unforgettable phallus of his does not completely assuage Ranni's fury.

Both sets of arms crossed in front of her, mouth set in a small frown, Ranni lifts her head and scowls out at her Consort from beneath the brim of her wide hat.

"I wouldst hath words with thee, mine Consort. I am still most cross with thy decision to spare... nay, to save Queen Marika. She wouldst not have survived thy defeat of the Elden Beast if not for thy interference. Thou'rt as incorrigible as ever."

He just smiles at her fondly, even as he comes to a stop in front of her, naught but a couple paces away. Seeing that smile on her ever-silent Consort, Ranni scowls.

"Hath I not shown thee much leeway already, mine Consort? My actions, have they not been selfless, in their own way? I allow thee thy women. I even allowed the mortal warrior Nepheli Loux to name thee as HER Consort, knowing that it was a jest at most. But this? Am I supposed to just accept th-urk!"

Mid-word, he suddenly steps into her personal space, reaches out, and hugs her. Ranni flushes, as his arms trap both sets of her arms against her body, his big, strong muscles downright irritating as they rub against her body. He's q-quite warm, and Ranni's squirming lasts for only a moment before she sighs and relaxes into his hold.

"Thou'rt truly incorrigible, Dear Consort. Why I put up with thee, I know not."

He nuzzles into her cheek for a second more before letting her go again. Not entirely though. One of his hands finds one of hers, and he takes it, their fingers intertwining together as he begins to tug her towards the large doors of the Academy's Grand Library. Suddenly, the weight of what's about to happen... and the pain she put her mother through all these years, hits Ranni like a massive boulder. Her breath hitches, and she tries to resist his inexorable pull.

"W-Wait, mine Consort. Allow me to comport m-myself. Dearest Consort! Cease, I say! Cease!"

But it's already too late. The new Elden Lord pushes into the Grand Library and drags Lunar Princess Ranni in along beside him and... and it's much too late. Recognizing that she cannot retreat now, Ranni stops fighting it and tries to... well, comport herself, as she said. As they approach, there are many of her mother's 'sweetings'. The pale, failed attempts at recreating the daughter she lost. At recreating Ranni.

None of them look like her, not as she was before her death, nor as she is now. They look more like softer, younger versions of her mother, and that sends a pang of hurt through Ranni's heart. Is it possible Queen Rennala came to the conclusion that keeping any trace of Radagon from her new 'daughters' would be best, to keep history from repeating itself?

Suddenly feeling no small amount of misplaced negativity towards her mother's 'sweetings', Ranni hisses at them all.


There is power in that word. Power that reverberates through the Grand Library, and sends every single sweeting scurrying away, crawling hastily across the floor and disappearing into their little bolt holes until the main room is completely silent. But not emptied... not quite. For Ranni's ill-thought command has also caught the eye of the two in the center of the room. Her mother sits there, as ever... and beside her stands the Sorcerer Sellen, reborn into the most complete sweeting that her mother ever managed to create.

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