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The 3 new vehicles were found on the left side of the highway. They were not smashed, they just sat there with their engines off. The boys weren't there though... They checked all over, they weren't there. Then they checked underneath the cars, they were there, burnt to death. They had swallowed the oil, from under the car, when they were hanging underneath their vehicles... What??? That's where they were. Pathologists theory was, they were hiding from someone or something. Like the police, maybe, or animal control. Who knows, well now Amy is free from all the misery they caused. Except her boyfriend's best friend, Folly Simons was part of the death. Everyone looked at Amy when they heard the news about the death. They all thought she killed them. Since they were enemies. No one had proof though, they made up proof, but it didn't work. Amy ended up realizing that people were trying to get her behind bars. She just ignored it, except writing was going across the school, debate against Amy Sutherland, "the perfect kid". She saw it everywhere, it was always there. Teachers had it written on their white and chalk boards, she could barely breathe. Someone in Amy's grade called the police and got her arrested for "killing the 3 boys". The police showed up in their Chevrolet Suburban with guns in their belts. She didn't understand, they arrested her and took her in for questioning.

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