ENDING (OPTION 1)- forever.

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It's been a few minutes and suddenly the walkie talkie goes of and it's Steve telling us to start phase two.
"It's time." Eddie says as he grabs the guitar and we go to the spot.
When we get there Eddie stands next to the cassete player with his guitar waiting for Steve's ok to start playing.
"Ok.. go!" Says Steve.
"GO!" I yell at them.
Immediately Dustin turns on the song at max volume.
"Chrissy and everyone else who was killed by vecna, this one's for you!" Eddie says as he starts playing the song 'master of puppets ' by metalica (Wich i love btw).
I just stand there in awe looking at him before the bats start flying our direction.
He is now at the end of the song and most of the bats are gathering around his sound. He finally finishes the song and we quickly ride back to the motorhome being followed by the bats.
We run inside and lock the door.
"THAT WAS SO METAL!!" Eddie says as we all celebrate.
However, our celebration is cut short by the bats trying harder to get in.
"Um y/n.." Dustin says looking at a vent that is almost braking because of the bats.
"Shit. Eddie! Look out!" I say as it brakes and the bats fly in.
"On it!" He says defending himself with the sheild.
I decide to help as i pull out my knife and cut the wings off of some of them as he moves closer to the vent and blocks it with the shield so they can't get in.
"Ok, is there ANY other vent they could get in through?" Dustin asks.
"Shit... Shitshitshit." He says running to his room to see the entire room filled with bats.
I run over to him and shut the door.
"We're surrounded, we have to go through the gate!"
"Your right, dusting you go first."
"Are we sure?"
"Yes! Go!"
"Ok!" Dustin says climbing through the gate, now in the other side.
"Y/n! You go!"
For some reason i don't think i should go before him..
"No, you first."
"Y/n -he says walking towards me with a serious/sad face- you should go first.. it's my fault your even in this mess."
"I know what your doing. I'm not leaving you!"
"Please y/n. I won't go i can't run away again but you can. So do it."
"Well then, -i say cutting the rope- if your not going I'm not going."
"WHAT THE FUCK GUYS!" Dustin yells from the other side.
"Sorry Dustin, someone has to escape this."
I look back to Eddie and he is outside blocking the door so i can't get out.
"Mother fucker." I say running into the door, i slid my knife through the lock of his door and with enough force i brake it.
I grab a bike and go after Eddie. Eventually he stops to face the bats so i run up to him and join him.
"Y/n! Why didn't you listen to me?!"
"Like I said, your not getting rid of me so easy eds. If you go down, so do I."
"Right.. i can't do anything now your already here so, do you have your shield?"
"Yup. Let's be heroes."
We try beating the bats but they become too many and soon we can't fight them anymore.
Some bats hit my head so i loose balance and fall down, a bat comes up to me and wraps its tail around my neck suffocating me.
"Y/N!" Eddie screams, kneeling down next to me trying to get the bat to stop strangling me but another one goes up to him and strangles him making him fall to the ground gasping for air.
Soon, both of us are basically forced down by thousands of bats.
I can't hear anything besides my heartbeat.. there is so much pressure in my head that it feels like it's going to explode and all of my life starts flashing before my eyes.. the first time i got a friend, the time where i realized I was gay, when i came out, moved to Hawkins and met Eddie.. Eddie.. the love of my life.. i never thought it was possible to love someone that much in such short time but i wouldn't change a thing about it, he is so pure and such a good person, the world doesn't deserve him..
Im pulled out of my train of thought by the sharp pain of the bats biting my stomach, i look at Eddie one least time.. he also looks at me and with a smile he mouths 'i love you' as he uses his strength to stretch his arm as much as he can to hold my hand, Wich i return by doing the same so i spend my lasts moments holding him.
I cough some more blood as my vision gets too blurry to see anything thanks to my tears and i start to loose my conscience.
Before i completely black out i hear Dustin running up to us and all i can do is use the last of my living strength to whisper to him.
"Tell ed- tell Eddie i love him"
And just like that, everything goes black.

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