chapter 13

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"you gonna tell us what's going on" dad asked

"yeah so i know you guys are in the mafia and i am the boas of the French mafia and im smile the assassin, my men just let me know that the chinese want to attack you tomorrow" they all looked at me shocked and some proud.



"omf my granddaughter is amazing"

"hunny im so proud of you"

everyone started saying things and i was just standing there amazed by their responses to the information.

just then jake walked in looking around and then nodding when he saw me.

"boss, i suggest that you all stay in the house and not go out to places since they can locate you all easier"

"thanks jake" i said and walked off to my office to go do some work, i had alot of paperwork to do since i was opening some clubs here in new york.

"boss" one of my men knocked at my door waiting for me to answer.

"come in" i said in an business tone and with no emotion.

"hi boss glad to see you again, i have some files to show you" he said nervously, well i have that affect when im emotionless lol.

"okay then show me" i said as he walked closer and stood next to me while putting the files on my table.

i opened the file and it was blank.

"is this some sort of joke?" i asked mad as he pressed something in my nek and i started seeing black dots


my daughter is so successful, who would of known such a sweet girl would be someone that would make people kill themselves if they heard she was after them.

she's been in her office for a while now, she said we could watch a movie but i haven't seen her yet.

i walked up to her office to find her door open and her laying on the ground, her whole office was a mess.

"devina you okay, bambino open your eyes" her heartbeat was slow, i picked her up and rushed down stairs.

"everyone something's wrong, i found devina on the floor of her office" they all rushed to her as we got in the car and decided to go to the hospital.

we rushed and got to the hospital and the doctors came to us and put her on a hospital bed and took her.


"I couldn't find the files of her warehouses sir"

"did you look?"

"yes sir but i couldn't find it, but i shot her so it will take a while to recover if she doesn't die"


after the king family all got to the hospital and devina went into the surgery room.

they all were stress over her that was unconscious and couldn't understand why at all.

about an hour later the doctor walked into the waiting room again were they were all stressed out.

"anyone here for devina king" the doctor said looking around the room

"yes here" salvatore said as he stood up as he walked over to the doctor.

the whole king family stood up to walking to the doctor.

"she is unconscious at the moment and we don't know when she will wake up, we got the drug out her system but its going to take time for the bullet wound to heal" the whole family looked at him confused since they didn't know about the bullet wound

"what bullet wound" salvatore, lerenzo and angelo asked at the same time.

"she had a bullet wound in her stomach its a miracle she survived and you all brought her just in time" the doctor said with a small smile.

they all were glad that she was okay.

"can we see her" luca asked with a hopeful look.

"sure follow me" the doctor said and started walking to the hospital room she was in.

there she was laying with the whole family sad, one girl who had 3 mafia's stressed for an whole hour.

they all hoped she would wake up and come back to them and light up their world abit.

everyone sat in a room, no one talked, no one wanted to they all were sad that their bambina was almost killed and now laying in a hospital bed.


its been two weeks and devina was still in the hospital bed and in a coma.

the doctors had said that if she doesn't wake up in the next week then they'll have to take her off.

they whole family was devastated and some of them haven't slept for days and looked horrible.

the boys struggled to focus in school and the oldies also struggled to focus on their work.


"boss she still hasn't woken up" my underboss said as he had a look of pity on his face.

"make sure the doctors do everything to let her wake up she is mine and i want her alive" i said with a emotionless face but on the inside i was dying

she had the most beautiful smile and her hair, she's fierce, hot, and a great leader she would be the perfect donna for me and my mafia.

"as soon as she's awake tell me"

"yess boss"


my bambino still hasn't waken up, her room was filled with flowers, presents, decorations that all her friends brought her.

who knew she had so many friends, the thing that bothers me the most is that she has 5 guy friends.

they all sat and talked to her for about an hour, like what did they have to talk about i really hope she's not dating anyone of them.

my boys don't like them at all and tried dragging them away but devina's two girl friends bella i think and i can't remember the other one slapped them and told them to get away.

it was quite funny, the doctor told me visiting hours were over so i decided to try and get some sleep.


my head hurts what happened? and were am i??

just then a doctor walked in and saw me waking up.

"thank god your up we were getting worried" who's we

he had a concerned look and his face as he walked out and made a call i couldn't hear what they were saying.

he then came back in and put something in my drip, something feels off.

just then i started drifting of to sleep


hiiii guyyss sorry for the long wait on the chapter but my brain started working again lol and i found a great idea about what to wright further.

hope you guys enjoyed😋

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