chapter 14

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i woke up in a beautiful room it was so big and luxurious.

i started standing up slowly since i was feeling abit dizzy, i then saw a note saying 'get showered love then put this on'

i looked around and saw a bathroom as i took the outfit and headed towards it.

i still can't remember how i got here or what's going on, I don't remember anything to be honest.

after i showered i got dressed in the outfit provided.

it was a beautiful red dress that hugged my curve's nicely, i love this colour it reminds me of something but i can't remember what

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it was a beautiful red dress that hugged my curve's nicely, i love this colour it reminds me of something but i can't remember what.

i walked out of the room with the stunning dress and admired the paintings on the wall this was quite a beautiful house.

"hello miss please follow me" a guy said

i followed him as he led me into a dining room were a handsome looking guy sat, he had blondish hair and wasn't to bad but he just wasn't my type, he sat there eying me up and down as i walked over and took a seat.

i followed him as he led me into a dining room were a handsome looking guy sat, he had blondish hair and wasn't to bad but he just wasn't my type, he sat there eying me up and down as i walked over and took a seat

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"hello im alexander" he said with a welcoming and warm smile.

"cool i guess" i said smiling awkwardly

"you guess?"

"yeah i don't really remember much" i said easing his confused look.

just then another guy walked in and let me tell you he took my breath away like wow.

just then another guy walked in and let me tell you he took my breath away like wow

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he was hot, he had a cold face tho but it softened when he saw me, do i know him??

"hello love you look stunning" he said with a smirk on his face, oh just fuck me please.

"thanks you don't look to bad yourself" i said winking and i don't even know where i get this confidence

"oh really" he said chuckling abit.

"so i uhh.. what's my name because I can't really remember anything?" like what happened that I can't even remember my name

"your name is davina love, I'm damien nice to meet you" he said

how can one guy make me want to fall to my knees like wow.

"we're just waiting for some of my business associates, i have some business to handle" he said with a smile but then put a cold face on as soon as more handsome looking men came walking in.

am i in heaven???


i finally have her, she is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

i saw her at a club once and from then on i couldn't stop thinking about her. I told my men to search her up and found out she's an orphan.

she's about 3 years younger than me but all i know is she's mine.

i walked into the dining room and there she was, stunning, red really is her colour.

"hello love you look stunning" i said smirking, she looks like a goddess

"thanks you don't look to bad yourself" she said winking, i was really surprised about her confidence

"oh really" i said chuckling

"so uhh... what's my name, because i can't really remember anything"

"your name is devina love, I'm damien nice to meet you"

"we're just waiting for some of my business associates, i have some business to handle" i added, i really didn't want to have them over tonight but i have to deal with this mafia shit.

just then they walked in, the london mafia.

we decided on making an alliance with them to grow our mafia

(AN: okay just to clear something lol damien is the don of the Russian mafia and he doesn't know that devina has a family or that she's smile or head of the french mafia, and yess devina can't remember anything!)

"damien nice to see you again" zackery the don of the London mafia said.

"zackery, yes good to see you again this is devina and then of course alexander my underboss" i said with a cold expression.

"well nice to meet you devina, you really look beautiful" he said and i really wanted to kill him right there and then.

"thank you its nice to meet you to" she said with a smile.

"okay lets sit down and eat and get on with business" alexander said gesturing for everyone to sit.

once everyone was seated the maids started serving the food, we talked about business although we did talk in Russian since devina was here.

zackery kept looking at devina and it was starting to annoy me, she's mine and he should know his place.

i glared at him with my deadliest expression and he stopped, she's my queen and anyone who looks or even talks to her will die but not before being tortured in the worst way possible.

after the dinner we were done talking about the alliance between the two mafia's we said our goodbyes and they went home.

"devina one of the maids put
some clothes upstairs that you can sleep in, get a good nights rest tomorrow we're going shopping" i said as i gestured for one of my men to take her to her room.

"okay" she said as she followed him.

i really wish i could kiss her.


he's in something called the mafia tf, i don't even know how i understood what they were saying but anyhow.

i got ready for bed, i wore the sweatpants and hoodie that were laying on the bed and then drifted of to sleep.

i have so many questions tho, i have no clue were i am and i really don't know why I can't remember anything, I'll just try asking tomorrow.


okiii guys sorry for the slow updating it's been a busy week and also sorry for the short chapter just wanted to update lol.

school is keeping me busy but I'll try to update as much as possible, hope y'all enjoyed this chapterrr!!!😋

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