Chapter eleven

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Kiya- 7:00am

I can't believe I had a good sleep; I didn't even wake up at night. I get up and do some stretches and look in the mirror. I'm a mess. I go over to my bathroom and start brushing my teeth and wash my face. Once I am done, I go to my wardrobe and decide what to wear today. I keep going left and right repeatedly until I spot a yellow hoodie with a black skirt. I smile to myself and remember the memory. I get the outfit and start to put it on, whilst I'm getting my skirt on, I hear a notification from my phone. I quickly finish and check what the notification was about, and I see a text from Annie. That's sweet. I open the message and it says:

Want me to drive you to school? Company would be nice

I think for a second and decide to reply back

Sure, that would be nice :)

I get my bag and white trainers and head downstairs. I see my Auntie and Uncle in the kitchen and walk towards them, "Good morning!" I hug them and they hug me back.

"Good even darling, good sleep?" Auntie Kelly replies and kisses the top of my forehead.

"Slept really well actually." I get my pancakes and walk over to the dining table and my uncle and Auntie join me too.

"How's music going on?" Uncle David asks and gets his newspaper out.

"Wonderful." I smile and he pats my head and I start finishing of my pancake.

I get up and put all the plates away and walk towards them both, "Thank you for the really good breakfast, I'll be going now." They both hug me, and I go over to unlock the door and I spot Annie waving at me. I lock the door and walk towards the car. She opens the car and I climb inside.

"Thank you for letting me drive us to school, it's boring driving a lot no joke." She smiles and looks straight ahead at the road.

"Thank you for dropping us to school." I buckle my seatbelt and look over at the window.

"How sleep then, also cute outfit, and the colour was really suits you." She stops when the lights turn red.

"Thank you, it's one of my favourite outfits. I have good memories with it." I hug my back and bite back a huge grin.

"That's cute." She starts to pull over and parks the car.

"We are here now. How were my driving skills?" She doesn't a tiny bow and I crack up laughing uncontrollably.

"Well, the speed limit was okay, and thankfully you didn't kill anyone, so I'd say 5 stars." I laugh.

"Please do tell everyone about my remarkable services." She gets up from the car and I do the same and we start making our way to form.

"What form you in?" She tucks in her hair.

"10A" I scratch my neck as she opens the door for me and I walk inside.

"I'm in 10M, It's not a bad form honestly." Soon we are at my form and stay outside.

"In my form we are allowed to go on our phones for fun." She looks at me shocked with her jaw open.

"Your form tutor doesn't let you?" I look at her puzzled.

"Dude, you're so lucky! In my form we aren't even allowed to speak, one word and she'll kill you with her laser eyes." She rolls her eyes and scoffs.

"Well, I should get inside, see you later." I open the door and head inside and go to my table where there is just me and the window. I get my air pods so I can listen to music. I grab my notebook and start doodling; I get so caught up with my doodling and music that I forget the bell even rang. I quickly grab my bag and get to Geography. I run up all the stairs and soon I'm at the door. I gasp for air and open the door and walk towards my seat. I sit down and put my head down.

Someone starts tapping on my shoulder, "Kiya, you good their girl?"

I reluctantly pull up the energy and look at Danny, "All good, I just ran up here." I fake a smile and he laugh.

"We are doing very fun work in Geography today as you can see." He shows the work and makes a very fake happy smile.

"Oh, I am so happy you can my eyes sparky with joy!" I jump put both of my hands on the side of my face and smile.

He laughs so hard he is crying, "You should consider being an actress."

I raise an eyebrow, "You mean comedian ... darling." I pretend to sip tea and he starts laughing all over again. I smile and feel happy knowing that I can make people smile. I'm happy to know that even though my life has been hell, I can still make other people smile, and came out as strong.

He makes a shocked face and I look at him confused; shrug at him, "Your outfit adorable."

"Oh, thank you Danny." I look at him confused and a bit surprised. If you look at Danny and the way he walks around in school he looks very scary, but I guess when you get to know him, he is an actual sweetheart. I can see why everyone loves him, who can help themselves and not love him? He has a child's heart.

I start doing my work and before you know it class has ended. I grab my stuff and walk out the door. I walk over the music room and spot Annie sitting there swinging on her chair.

She stops and spots me, "Kiya, get here please." She adds a smile and grins.

"Hey, what's up?" I place my bag down and face her.

"Nothing, I was hoping you'd flex your skills." Her hands hover over the keyboard and I understand what she is talking about. I pull out the keyboard and she stare at me until I start playing.

I sigh and start playing, she closes her eyes and starts swaying. I close my eyes to think about my parents, I miss them. They were the best, happy couple, great parents, good friends. Always supportive and encouraging. I open my eyes and I see Annie smiling at me and I finish it.

"Damn, you're so fucking good, no joke. Your music is therapy." She lays back in her chair and I smile at her.

"Well, I have to go into the P.E hall and practise, have fun Kiya." She gets up and walks off. I stay there and stare at the celling. I wish things would be how they used to be when everything was the same. I sigh and close my eyes.

Head up and keep walking darling, you're a warrior.

I smile and go back to playing the piano but this time I play my mum's favourite song.

I love you mum; I hope you love this.

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