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      It is finally Sunday. The day Becky would go for a test to check if she is pregnant. She left the mansion immediately after John and Anna left for church.

      ** At Divine Hospital . In the doctors office.**

      "So doc. what does it say"

      "Why don't you check it yourself" He said has he passed her an envelope.

       "Sure. Oh my goodness. This is great !!" She exclaimed in Joy.

        Rebecca left the hospital with Joy.

        On her way to Amy's house , she decided to text her.

Becky : Hey girl . J ust got back from the hospital.

Amy : Really what is the result.

Becky : Well....

Amy : Don't tell it didn' t work.

Becky : I tell you when I see you. Are you at home?.

Amy : Yeah .

Becky : Great. I'll come now.

Amy : Will be expecting you.

** At Amy's house **

     Knock!! Knock!! . The rhythmic sound of knocking reverberated through the house.

    "Coming !!" Amy said in a high pitched voice.

     "Finally you are here". She said immediately after she opened the door.

      Becky stepped into the house with a nervous expression on her face.

     "Judging from your expression. It didn't go well. Did It? ." Amy said with a solemn face.

     "You would have to check it to know" She said while passing a white envelope to Amy.

      Amy opened the envelope with a solemn face.

      "Ahhhhhh" She screamed in excitement.

      She hugged Becky so tight that she began to choke her. Only when Becky began to cough did she release her.

     "It worked. It actually worked!"

      Amy rushed to her fridge to get a bottle of wine which the two friends drank until they were satisfied.

Stick around readers the real drama is about to start. 😘😘😊😉

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