1- Girlfriend ?

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Ryan was just chilling at the house sitting next to Sebastian and Oliver. Today they weren't filming.
"Guys aren't you hungry ?" Seb said
"I just ate sorry." Oliver said
"Wanna go out and eat ?" Ryan said as he stood up.
"Yeah lets go."

The boys went to a fast food near the house, ordered their food and just waited. Right now, Sebastian had just one thing in his mind.

Ryan's birthday.

It was the next day and NSB prepared a big party for him. Seb was just so stressed out because he didn't know if he would like his gift. He bought him some games and the last iPhone. He made sure no one bought it for him in the house. It was THE thing he wanted. Seb just couldn't help but buy it for him. Maybe he wanted something else ? Maybe he ALREADY ordered that phone ? Or maybe Seb was just overthinking.

Their food was ready so they started eating. Seb didn't want to talk about next day, it would just spoil the thing. So they started talking about random shit.

"Bro I didn't tell you. I have a girlfriend. "

Seb dropped his drink by shock.

"Shit." He said as he started cleaning up his shirt.

"Let me help you." Ryan said as he stood up and took some tissues.

Wen they finished cleaning up they went back to their seats. Ryan really didn't know why he would suddenly do this.

"What was I talking about ? Oh, yeah, her name is Rose. Sorry that I didn't tell you."
"Well, good for you, bro ! I hope you'll stay together for a long long long time ! I'm so happy for you !"

Seb was holding his tears. He couldn't believe it. He always thought he had a big place in Ryan's heart but no ? He just found a girlfriend.

"Oh, I forgot. I have some stuff to do at home. I'll go first. Congratulations, bro !"

Seb just got out even if Ryan was calling his name but he felt, like, betrayed. He couldn't hold it anymore and he just started crying. When he arrived at home Oliver ran to him. He brought him in a silent room.
"What's up bro ? Is it about Ryan ?"

Seb couldn't stop crying.
"He has... a girlfriend.."

Oliver hugged him trying to calm him down. He knew what Seb was feeling for Ryan. And he always thought that Ryan would feel the same. He was as shocked as Seb.

Soon after they heard Ryan coming home. He asked everyone where was Sebastian. He went to his room and found him crying in his bed, Oliver sitting next to him.

"What happened to him ?" Ryan said as he ran in his bed to see him.

"Ryan ?"

Tysm for reading it !!!
Please stay tuned for the next chapters !

"So damn cute"  - A SebRyan story Where stories live. Discover now