Chapter Nine

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March 23rd 1986
6:47 PM
The Byer's living room

Will sat on the recliner, laying back on it as his friends bombarded him with questions.

"How the hell were you flying?" Dustin asked.

"Did you know you were flying?" Lucas asked.

"How'd you hurt your ankle?" Max asked.

"Are you okay?" Eleven asked.

Mike just sat on the couch with Argyle silently. The two watched as Will got asked so many questions it was hard to keep up with.

"I don't know how I was flying, I didn't notice... I hurt my ankle by falling, and I'm not okay." Will answered truthfully.

Max got up and sat beside him on the recliner, she slowly laid her head on his shoulder.

"Thanks, Max.." Will whispered.

Max opened her mouth to speak, but couldn't as Jonathan rushed in from the kitchen with ice.

"I couldn't find an ice pack, but we had bags and ice. So here.." He said, putting ice on Will's ankle.

There was a knock at the door, and Argyle sighed.

"I'll get it, bro. Don't worry, there might be some people here for a little purple palm tree delight!" Argyle smiled, as he headed to the door.

"P-Purple palm tree delight..?" Lucas asked.

"Weed." The three Byers siblings responded.

(El kept Hopper's last name, but three Byers siblings is easier for me to write.)

"He sells weed?" Dustin said face scrunched in disgust.

"To be honest, sounds like something Eddie would do," Lucas smirked.

"Eddie wouldn't sell weed! He would- most likely give it away."

"Same thing."

Argyle opened the front door, and as soon as it opened a voice asked,

"Is Henderson here?"

It took a moment, but Dustin almost gasped and fell over.

"Steve..?" He muttered.

He ran to the door and pushed Argyle out of the way.

"Steve!" He shouted, hugging him, tight.

8:37 PM

Will was falling asleep on the couch because he couldn't move to his bedroom due to his ankle. Plus, Max had fallen asleep on his shoulder about an hour ago, and she was practically pinning him to the recliner.

Lucas and Dustin were talking to Robin and Steve, filling them in on what they saw with Will.

Argyle was making a dude with long, back, messy, curly hair uncomfortable on the couch. He was shoving a joint in his face, cracking jokes, and talking so fast that the dude looked like he was about to pass out at any moment.

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