Chapter sixteen- Rebel camp and hallucinations

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Chapter sixteen


Stile's pov

I just stared at her. Did she really mean what she just said? Does she hate me?

"Do you really mean that?" I whispered.

"Yes." She said sternly.

For the first time in a long time I felt like crying. I knew I liked her but, enough to cry? Ye-no.

She then turned away.

"Where do you think your going?" I asked whilst stopping her by grabbing her elbow.

"A place were no arseholes who want to blow up my home are."

"Home?! That place was your prison cell!" I said completely pissed off.

"Yes and I would rather be there than here with you!" She spat out.

I calmed down a bit.

"Than at least go with someone else don't go off by yourself." I spoke calmly to her.

She just shook my arm off her and walked off to the rest of the group.

I looked at her as she made her way towards Chase. Why him? Why would she rather be with him than me? I knew the answer to that. She didn't hate him.

She walked up to him and than they started laughing. I wanted to be the one to make her smile.

"Hey you okay?" I heard a voice asked.I turned to see the man in the white suit that talked to us earlier.

"Just peachy... Sorry just a lot going on." I said looking down.

"Oh that's okay. By the way names Robert."

"Hey I'm Stiles." I told him.

"I know. I had to leave something in Miss Jade's room and she kept talking in her sleep. She kept saying, "stiles come Stiles. Come."

I smiled. Good to know she at least talked about me in her sleep.

"Oh and her name is Zara." I informed him.

"They change all the recruits names." He told me.

I jus nodded my head and said, "so what's going to happen right now?"

"We are going to head to our camp. We better get going too."

I nodded as we walked back to the group.


Chase's pov

I was talking to Ciara when suddenly Zara came towards me.

"Hey." She said to me.

"Hey Zari. Sorry to say this but you look like shit. Pretty shit though."

She laughed, "Good to know I would make pretty shit."

"So wanna tell Uncle Chase what's wrong?" I said patting down the spot next to me on a rock I was sitting on. I then noticed Ciara left to talk to Mase. Aww!!!!

"Hahaha..." She said as she sat down and straightened her dress.

"So tell me."

"I hate Stiles. He's a git! I can't believe he- I can't even say it." She said looking furious. Okay whatever Stiles did it seems really bad.

"C'mon tell me."

"He blew this place up. He was a part of it."

"So? I was too." Okay not the right thing to say.

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