Chaptr two - Harsh world

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Chapter two

After coming home front the surprise meeting we were all quiet. Why was there a new girl? And out of the people in the world, her?

"Let's read." I suggested

trying to keep my mind busy. I couldn't keep thinking about this. It would drive me mad.

"I'll get a book." Mason suggested as he went into the living room were we hid the books.

I saw Stiles and Chase get a big blanket and spread it on the floor.

Mason came back with one of my favourite books, The Hunger Games.

I smiled at him as the lads and I sat on the blanket and began reading.

About thirty minutes after we began reading, we heard knocking coming from the door.

"I'll get it." I told them as I stood up..

"The new girl?" I questioned.

"Zara?" She asked looking at me confused.

"Yes..." I said hesitantly.

"New girl right?" I asked lying.

"Why are you calling me 'new girl?' You know who I am."

"No I don't. They can't know either." I replied.

"Who?" She asked.

"The Masters. If they found out we used to be best friends they will use it against us."

"Why? They don't seem mean."

I snorted.

"That's what you think." I told her coldly.

"Zara you okay?" I heard as the lads came to were I was.

I just ignore them and continued. She need to be knocked out if her ignorance.

"At first they are all nice to you. They want you to think that it's and honour being in this hell hole, that they are saving you. When in realty that are just training you be me merciless killers. They brainwash you. They take away every bit of humanity in you and make you emotionless and cruel. Their goal is for you to be in the Militia and to kill without regrets." I told her. With each sentence she shrinked.

"That's not even the worst part." Stiles added. "They even abuse people here. They beat them so hard they can move. As forte girls they rape them and scream at them. Some girls they sell them to become prostitutes except you don't get paid your forced into it." He finished.

"If this is all true, then why aren't you guys cold and inhuman?" Ciara asked. Yes Ciara. I don't know why I'm calling her by her name. It just slipped out I guess.

"The first week for all of us here was hard. We all got into fights and couldn't control out tempers except of Zari. She was fine, compared to us I mean. She was her own cute you can say. Then she was exploring in the basement when she found a bunch of books she brought them here and hid them before they burned all the books." Chase explained.

"Why books?" She asked.

"Books just bring humanity back into us. There's really no way to explain it." Chase answered again.

"Control the knowledge, control the people." I muttered.

Mason, Chase and Stiles looked at me understanding what I meant whilst, Ciara just started at me confused.

Of course she wouldn't understand.

She just got here. She like a little girl but when they are don't with her she will be a killer. Should I help her? No let her survive on her own.

No. I can't do that. I can't let them turn me into a monster I can't let them do that to her either.

"What are you doing here?" I asked suddenly.

"They told me I'll be staying here." She replied snapping out of her thoughts. Too much to take in, I guess.

"Help get her bags." I ordered the guys as I turned around and walked back inside.

I picked up the book and looked at the cover.

Be strong. I thought as I hid it back in the wall.

With that I went to our room.

I slipped into my bed and fell asleep instantly. But not before hearing, "She's changed."


Hope you enjoyed it and I hope this chapter had cleared up a bit.

I'll update soon! Promise!


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