Chapter seven

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Ethan Seller

His green eyes became filled with something, and it was not anger. But I was not going to pry on that subject. I do not think I have ever been this close to him before. He smelled good. Surprisingly.

The door behind us slid open as I let go of his shirt.

"Y'all want to play beer pong?" Max asked.

"Sure," I said, grabbing my drink and finishing it down, following Max inside with Leander behind me.

"So, teams?" A random girl said, she looked like the classic 'pick me.'

"How about hot boy number 1 on my team," she said, pointing to Leander, "and hot boy number 2 on the other team with Max."

"Sure," said Leander, Walking over to the girl's side.

I walked over to Max.

"Ready to win, Seller?"

"Hell yeah."


After a couple of games, I am a bit tipsier, and we have won one out of four. I do not know how Leander is so good at this stupid game.

We have decided to play spin the bottle, the classic game for teenage parties. And, of course, I did not want to play, but Max begged me to.

"Okay, the Rules are you go into the closet, and you have to maintain at least a minute, so who's going first?" Asked Max

"I will." Said the girl from before. We all were okay with it, she spun the bottle, and it landed on some random dude. They went into the closet and, after a minute, came back out. The guy and girl had lipstick smeared all over each other's faces.

Same old, same old, the game continued for a little while and now it is my turn.

I spun the bottle, and after a couple of seconds, it landed on Leander.

My eyes locked with his green ones.

"Okay, you two go into the closet." said a very drunk Max.

I stood up and was followed by Leander into the closet.

The door closed behind him.

The closet is exceedingly small, so there is not enough room in here for both of us, and it does not have a light.

"Kind of ironic," I heard him say,

"Why is that?"

"I do not know, maybe because we keep ending up in situations like this," He spoke.

"No comment," I replied, I went to make a bit more room here for us but ended up tripping into him. He grabbed my waist so I would not fall into him any more than I had.

"Someone's throwing himself at me." He said smugly.

"I will punch you."

"Again, you can try, but I doubt there's enough room for that." He whispered in my ear. Making my ear extremely hot with shivers running down my spine.

"Can you please not do that?" I barely got out.

He is too close, and I am too drunk for this. He reeks of alcohol and a nice scent of lavender.

"You mean this...princess," he said, whispering the last part, this asshole. I hit his chest hard, and he tripped on a box behind him, causing the box to fall. Making the space smaller, he caught himself by pinning me to the wall.

Catching me off guard.

Now we are remarkably close.

He started bursting out in laughter, "You just know how to make things more difficult than they need to be, don't you?"

"I don't need your judgment," I scoffed, slightly pushing him off of me, but he did not budge. We are stuck like this, I let out a sigh.

"Stop sighing, it is your fault for us being stuck like this." He laughed. I poked him in his side, causing him to move back slightly.

"My fault?" I hissed, "It's your fault for teasing me."

"Mhm," He hummed, "You're at fault for being cute."

My mouth fell agape. How can he say something like that so seriously? I felt my face heat up.

"I think the time is up," I quickly say, pushing him off of me and opening the door. Ignoring the laughter from behind me, I grabbed myself a bottle off of the counter and bolted into the living room.

Pushing myself through dancing bodies, I finally made it to the stairs. Finding an empty room, I walked in and shut the door, threw myself on the bed, opened the bottle of vodka, and just started chugging it.

Lighting a cigarette, my thoughts go back to Leander. His smell, his body close to mine...

Yep, I am drunk and horny. These thoughts need to stop. Nope.

I finished the bottle and put out my cigarette in the last remaining water I had next to me.

I swear even though I feel so dizzy, I am okay.

I think.


A noise in the room brought me back from my thoughts, I turned towards the door and saw Leander.

"You just ran off with an entire bottle of pure vodka," he said smugly, leaning up against the doorframe.

"I just can't escape you, can I?" I questioned, removing my eyes from the tall man, and focusing them on the ceiling. I felt the weight on the bed shift next to me.

"What's on your mind?" Leander asks.

I want to say 'you' but instead I just shrug.

The man next to me chuckled, before falling silent.

I switched from laying down on my back to laying on my side to get a better look at the man next to me,

"Leander?" I asked him.

"Hm?" He hummed, now looking down at me.

"Why didn't you punch me when you saw that I beat up your brother?" I questioned, trying to shift my mind from thinking about what happened in the closet.

"Because I didn't want to and he deserved it." he replied with a sigh, turning his attention back to the wall in front of him.

"True," I replied, I mean he did, the kid punched my sister.

We sat in silence with only the sound of the loud bass from the music playing downstairs.

I studied the man next to me, his brown short curls lying against his tanned forehead in an almost perfect manner. He could be a model if he really wanted to. He definitely has the looks for it. I rested my head on my hand, trying to count the freckles on his face.

"What are you doing?" Leander questioned, his brow raised, causing me to forget how many I have counted so far.

"I was trying to count how many freckles you had, but you made me lose count," I complained.

He turned his attention back on me as he chuckled deeply, I watched as he leaned his head back against the wall, his hand coming up to rub the bridge of his nose.

"This alcohol is very dangerous," he muttered quietly with that raspy tone in his voice that sent shivers down my spine. I watched his hand fall down to his side as he turned to look at me. I gulped, locking my gray eyes with his green ones.

"It indeed is."

As I am looking into his dark forest green eyes, it feels like I am surrounded but a calm yet destructive forest, birds chirping loudly, the howls of wolves in the distance, the flow of steady waters, and loud noises of insects going about their daily lives; A sense of comfort, warmth, and freedom washing over me like millions of harsh ocean waves.

I could lose myself in these eyes of his, in this beautiful forest.

"The forest..." I sang quietly, "...your eyes are as beautiful as a forest, I could get lost in them and I would never want to leave."

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