Not group chat related: Amy's birthday

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Officially it if group texts and I think the rest of these chapters are set in s 6. Longest chapter I've made

Amy was not having a good birthday so far
Amy's hair was all messy and frizzy. Carter bouncing on the bed while Parker blasts cocomelon on his iPad. Amy turns to see Jonah somehow sleeping peacefully. Amy pushes Jonah hard.
Jonah: I'm up I'm up!
Amy: Help!

Jonah grabs Parker and takes him downstairs. Amy grabs Carter and tickles him. She smiles as she sees Carter. Carter smiles too.
Jonah walks back into the room.
Jonah: Here you sleep. I'll give the boys breakfast. Jonah said ashe grabbed Carter to take him downstairs.
*Amys mind*

I'm the luckiest wife. Jonah is the best husband I could ever ask for.
Jonah opens the baby gate a d places Carter in the family room pointing to the buckets of toys him to play with while Jonah cooks. Parker gets excited and runs up to Carter and hands him a toy truck
Jonah smiles and goes into the kitchen.
Jonah was going to make eggs and bacon for everyone. Jonah decided to let the boys eat at their kiddie table in the family room instead of the kitchen. Jonah goes upstairs and peeks into their room to see if Amy was awake.
Amy: I see you Jonah
Jonah runs downstairs and grabs the tray of breakfast for Amy.
Jonah: Surprise! Breakfast in bed!
Amy: Awh thanks Jonah! Your the best husband ever.
Jonah grins.
Jonah: ok I'll leave you alone now. Love you!
Amy: Thanks Jonah love you too!
Jonah eats his breakfast and goes back into the family room to play with the boys. After about a hour of playing pirates Jonah took the boys up to their room and places them both on Carter's bed as he went in their dresser and grabbed some clothes. Jonah dressed the boys and went to go tell Amy he was taking them out for a while so she could be by herself.
Jonah took them to their favorite place. The mall play area. Jonah let them off to go play as he sat on a bench nearby and watched them play.
Carter: Daddy daddy! Pirates!
Jonah: You wanna play pirates bud?
Carter nods and Jonah goes to play with him.
After they leave the play area Jonah gets them ice cream.

Carter got Bubblegum and Parker got Pistachio. Parker got Pistachio because Jonah loved that flavor and Parker would eat it with him often. Jonah got the same flavor as Parker.
After they got ice cream Jonah took them to the bookstore so they could wind down a bit to increase the chance of them napping in the car ride to the next place.
Jonah picked out a adult coloring book for himself and he bought Amy one of her murder mystery books. Jonah then let Carter and Parker pick out a book. Carter got a touch and feel animal book. Parker got a Elmo book. the last stops at the mall was bath and body works. Jonah got Amy a flower scented perfume.
They then left the mall and drove to the jewelry store and Jonah got Amy some diamond earrings.
After that they went to cloud 9 and Jonah went grocery shopping while the boys sat in the cart watching cocomelon with headphones. After Jonah got everything on his list, he got a wicked basket and her favorite candy's and a card. In the parking lot Jonah put the basket together and had the boys and himself sign the card. When they got home Amy was still asleep 2 hours later. Jonah sat the basket on Amy's nightstand and closed the bedroom
*Amy's pov*
I opened my eyes and grabbed my phone off my nightstand when k saw a basket. "For Amy" it read. Amy placed the basket on her lap looking at everything.
Amy: Awh! He's so sweet. Amy went downstairs to find Jonah.
Jonah: Hey am-
Amy ran up to Jonah before he could finish his sentence and kissed him.
Amy: Thank you! She exclaimed
Jonah: No problem. Jonah had a huge smile on his face happy that Amy was happy.
Jonah: Now. Did you want a party? Only Garret Dina Cheyenne bo Mateo Eric Glenn and harmonica would come.
Amy: Uhm. Sure! Amy wasent very sure. Bo and Cheyenne had been fighting recently so she wouldn't be surprised if bo didint show.
Jonah went to the backyard and set everything up and cooked food for everyone.
Amy: Jonah, you have to make something for vegans because dinas coming.
Jonah nodded and started making a salad.
A few minutes later Dina and Garret came in.
Dina: Hey Rodriguez!
Garret: Hey Amy, happy birthday.
Amy: Hey Dina. Thanks Garret. Wait... Dina. Why Are you hiding your stomach?
Dina gestures Amy to come closer and Dina whispers in her ear
Dina: Fine I'll tell you. I know me and Garret discussed no kids but we changed our minds and decided... Dina paused for a moment. To have a baby. Dina removed the box from her stomach, revealing her tiny bump. It's probably going to be harder then birds but... If all else fails I'll just gift it to Glenn.
Amy was speechless.
Amy: Wow. Congratulations Dina.
Jonah walks over.
Jonah: hey what are you two besties talking about.
Amy and Dina both give eachother awkward glares.
Amy: Nothing! Uhm don't you have preparing to do?
Jonah: Ah! Right. We'll have fun babe. Jonah kissed Amy and walked back into the kitchen to finish up the food.
Behind Garret And Dina was Cheyenne but she was in tears.
Dina and Garret go to the backyard. As Dina walks past she says "good luck"
Amy: Hey chey. What's wrong? Amy says as she leans in for a hug then leads Cheyenne into the bathroom for privacy.
Cheyenne sits down on the edge of the bathtub
Amy gives Cheyenne a few seconds to calm down.
Amy: Chey what's wrong? Amy said in a calm tone. She was like a sister to Cheyenne and was always going to be there to help her.
Cheyenne: It...It's bo! He's just spending all of our money on hobbies he does for 5 seconds then ditches! He refuses to get a job and won't even help out with harmonica! Cheyenne burried her hands into her head.
Amy: Oh... Amy knew bo was going to hurt her eventually but Cheyenne wouldn't listen. Amy couldn't lecture Cheyenne because then it would make her more sad. Amy needed to be there for Cheyenne and comfort her.
Amy: speaking of which, where is harmonica?
Cheyenne: in your living room.
Amy: I'll be right back just let me take care of harmonica so we can talk. Amy walks out goes into the living room and picks up harmonica.
Amy: Jonah is it ok if you watch harmonica. Or give her to Garret or something while I talk to Cheyenne.
Jonah: Uh. Sure. Jonah places harmonica on a nearby chair and hands her a cookbook.
Jonah: she's old enough to read at least a little bit.
Amy: Thanks jonah. Amy rushed back into the bathroom and closes the door behind her barely even noticing Eric and Mateo walking into the house.
Amy: Jonah Eric and Mateo are here! She shouted as she closed the bathroom door
Jonah: On it!
Amy: Ok Chey. Listen I know what it feels like. Adam was very similar to bo.

Cheyenne: Was I really even in love with him. I mean he did only marry me because I was pregnant.
Amy: Chey, maybe it's time to go find someone that really cares for you and harmonica.

Cheyenne: But then harmonica won't be able to see her dad! She can't be one of those fatherless kids.
Amy: Divorced parents switch their kids. Like for example harmonica could go over to bos house a few times a week and stay the night there every week or so.
Cheyenne: I...I guess.
Amy: And remember, you and harmonica can stay here as long as you need! I have the guest room all set up. Amy gives Cheyenne a reasuring look
Cheyenne: Thanks Amy. But what about Harmonias clothes and my stuff. I can't go get it because bo is not someone I want to be around right now. Or anyone to be around.
Amy: well if you won't let anyone go get you and harmonicas stuff, I have some things you can borrow. I'll be right back. Amy comes back with a basket of some of her clothes and some of Emma's old clothes for harmonica.

Cheyenne: Awh! That's nice Amy. Cheyenne hugged Amy.
Amy: wanna go back out there?
Cheyenne: Yeah.
Amy and Cheyenne walked into the backyard seeing everyone had arrived.
Jerusha walked up to Amy.
Jerusha: Hey Amy! Happy birthday! My friend beth made you this. Jerusha gave Amy a creepy sweater with a melted looking face that was supposed to be her.

Amy: Thanks jerusha. I ... Love it!
Jerusha gave Amy a big smile and walked away.
Amy walked up to Mateo and Eric.
Eric: Hey Amy! Happy birthday!
Mateo: Happy birthday Amy
Amy: Thanks guys. So... What's new?
Mateo: Not much. I mean you know everything. We're married. Mateo lifted his hand up and showed his shiny ring. I know you know that because you were there. And that's basically it.

Amy: I'm so sorry but I have to go deal with something. Amy sees Cheyenne on the phone screaming.
Amy: Chey! What did you just do?
Cheyenne: Dumped bo!

Amy: Cheyenne, you two are married your gonna need to mail him the divorce papers.

Cheyenne: But... What if he shows up here!?
Amy: Then I will protect you! Everyone here will.
Cheyenne: I'm hiding in your bedroom just Incase.
Amy felt so bad for Cheyenne.
Garret wheels over to Amy
Garret: Hey! What just happened with Cheyenne?
Amy: Her and Bo aren't doing very well. He might even show up here.
Garret: Well he's not gonna have any luck. You know damn well everyone at this party will surround the house protecting Cheyenne. She's like our child. Wow I did not mean to be that emotional. I'm so sorry. Garret wheeled away with a tear in his eye.
Jonah walks over to Glenn
Jonah: Hi Glenn! How's everything going. Y'know with life
Glenn: Pretty good! We're thinking about sending rose to preschool.

Jonah: Wow! That's exciting.
Jonah suddenly hears a car pull up.
Jonah: Hmm weird. Nobody else is expected to come. Jonah runs upstairs to find Amy.
Amy was in their room trying to calm Cheyenne down. Jonah: Hey I think bo just pulled up.

Cheyenne: Oh shit! Cheyenne rolled under the bed with harmonica.
Amy ran downstairs and got everyone's attention
Amy: Attention everyone! Cheyenne and Bo are having fights and Cheyenne does not want to be around Bo because he is going to yell. Who's with me to come and make Bo leave?!
Everyone follows Amy.
Bo: Where's Cheyenne!? Bo says angrily.
Amy: Your not talking to her right now!
Bo tries to get into the house.
About 5 minutes of arguing Bo finally gives up and leaves.
Bo: Yo I'll get her eventually! Amy watched bo drive away and then yelled from outside the house, hoping Cheyenne would hear
Amy: Chey you can come up your safe now!
Cheyenne comes downstairs and they can resume the party.
After the party Jonah bathes Parker and Carter and Amy puts them to bed. Then after Jonah gets into the shower, Amy goes to talk to Cheyenne.
Amy: Hey Cheyenne! I know it's tough right now but it will get better. Plus you have so many people that support you!
Cheyenne: Thanks Amy. Cheyenne says as she turns on cocomelon on the tv for harmonica.
Amy: There's a guest bathroom so you and harmonica can shower if you want. I'll be across the hall if you need anything. Just wake me up not jonah whenever you wake him up in the middle of the night he basically jumpscares you. goodnight Cheyenne!
Cheyenne: Goodnight!

I know very dramatic chapter. Lol I hope you enjoyed this super long chapter. Hopefully the next one isint as dramatic... Or is it

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