Not group chat related: Bo gone crazy

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Pretend Amy still stayed at zephra.
Also some chapters were before the store was a fulfilment center and some are after.
So they just shop at different cloud nines ig.
Amy woke up the next morning not next to jonah
"Weird" she thought. Amy went to parker and Carter's room finding jonah passed out on the ground with Carter bouncing on him. Parker was asleep in his bed.
Amy grabbed Carter and placed him on his bed. She checked Jonah's pulse to make sure he wasn't dead.
"Good he's alive" she thought. She grabbed Carter and took him downstairs and placed him in his highchair and gave him a gogo squeeze.
Amy made some eggs and toast for everyone. Amy gave Carter some breakfast and quickly went upstairs to Cheyennes room.
Amy: Hey chey. Breakfast is ready for you and harmonica if you want.
Cheyenne: Oh ok. Thanks Amy I'll be right down.
Amy went into Carter and parkers room and saw parker awake. She held his hand and walked him downstairs and gestured for him to sit down. Amy gave parker some breakfast and placed Cheyenne and harmonicas breakfast on the table.
Cheyenne walked downstairs with harmonica.
Cheyenne placed her phone down on the table. After a few minutes Amy noticed Cheyennes phone kept ringing.
Amy: Who is that they keep calling you?
Cheyenne: Bo.
Amy: Oh. You should block his phone number
Cheyenne: Good idea.
Amy went upstairs to check on jonah. He was still passed out on the wood floors.
Amy threw a blanket on him and decided to let him sleep since he was probably up all night.
After Amy are breakfast she was getting ready for her zoom calls with zephra.
Cheyenne: Hey amy can you please watch harmonica if I leave her at daycare bos probably going to check her out.
Amy: Yes of course! Have a good day at work chey!
A few minutes later jonah walks downstairs his hair was super messed up.
Jonah: How long was I out for?
Amy: I don't know.i found you a hour ago. Carter was using you as a trampoline.
Jonah let out a small chuckle. Well I gotta get ready for my first day as city council.
Jonah walks into the living room a few minutes later in a navy blue suit.
Jonah: So how do I look?
Amy: Like you used a whole bottle of hair gel.
Jonah: Ha ha. Well I'll see you later love you! Jonah said as he kissed Amy and walked out the door.
Amy: Love you.
Amy decided to check her Facebook feed amd saw Garret posted. Garret rarely posts. It was a picture of Dina wearing a shirt that said "bun in the oven" the description said "Dina is pregnant. She has been for a month. I know you all overreact so please use the comment section as a place to do so.
Amy was happy for Dina. And surprised she announced it so soon.
"Congratulations 🎉" amy typed in the comments.
Then she saw Cheyennes status.
"Single" is said. Amys happiness faded seeing that it was official. Cheyenne and bo were no longer together. Amy sighed and turned off her phone and cooked lunch for the children.
While she was making lunch
Cheyenne burst through the door panting.
Cheyenne: P-panic A-Attack. b-Bo
Amy quickly stopped what she was doing and caught Cheyenne before she collapsed onto the ground. Amy helped Cheyenne walk over to the kitchen and helped her sit on a chair.
Amy: it's ok Chey. Take deep breaths in and out. After a few minutes Cheyenne could finally speak.
Amy: Now do you feel like telling me what happened?
Cheyenne: B-Bo came into Sturgis and s-sons and said he would h-hurt me if I didint give him harmonica!
Amy: Oh god. I really don't like bo. Ok so you should go to the police station. I can drive you. Let me go get the kids.
Amy gets the kids into the car and calls Jonah
Amy: Hey Jonah I'm taking Cheyenne and the kids to the police station because Cheyenne needs to file a report. Just letting you know because I know you get home soon.
Jonah: Oh ok. Bye Amy love you!
Amy: Bye love you too.
Amy drives to the police station and her and the kids sit on the nearby chairs by reception.
After Cheyenne gave the receptionist all the information they went home. Amy got everyone McDonald's for lunch because it would just be easier.
Amy: Hi uhm can I please have 5 cheese burger kids meals with extra fries and sprite to drink?
Worker: Yes that will be $13.75 (I don't feel like looking up the prices so it's probably not accurate)
Amy gave everyone their happy meals and they went home. Cheyenne was still very stressed but the happy meal has seemed to make her feel a bit better.
Amy: Chey I'm really sorry this is happening to you. You don't deserve this. But at least soon you will be able to have a restraining order against him.
Cheyenne: Yeah I guess.
As Amy pulled into the driveway she noticed a car that wasent Jonah's in the driveway.
Cheyenne: T-THATS BOS CAR! Cheyenne started to panick
Amy: Calm down ok Chey just breath. I'm going to try to calm him a bit. Have 911 ready to call.
Amy got out of the car and locked it so bo wouldn't hurt Cheyenne or the kids
Amy: Bo don't do anything stupid! Cheyennes already about to call 911. So l-
Before Amy could finish, bo hit her in the head with a baseball bat. It left a huge bruise and Amy was unconscious.
After that bo left before police showed up and arrested him and Cheyenne called the police.
After ambulance arrived and police talked to Cheyenne. Cheyenne picked up Amy's phone and called Jonah.
Cheyenne: Hey Jonah.
Jonah: Ch-eyenne. Is everything ok? Where's Amy?
Cheyenne: Uhm a out that, bo came and hit her with a bat and now she's at Heartbeat hospital 579 Daphne road. I'm really sorry I should have been the one that's in the hospital
Jonah: Cheyenne, I'll be right there and it isn't your fault bo is acting like a lunatic! Drive the kids there and I'll meet you there ok?
Cheyenne: Ok.
Cheyenne hung up and drove to the hospital.
Cheyenne took the kids in the waiting area and had them sit down while she went to reception.
Cheyenne: Hi I'm here to see Amy Sosa. I'm her friend Cheyenne.
(I don't know any medical terms so this is probably not accurate)
Receptionist: Yes of course. Room 103
Cheyenne: Thank you.
Cheyenne took the kids into Amy's room. She saw Amy lying there with bruises all over her face and a huge bump on top of her head.
Cheyenne: A-Amy I'm so sorry this is all my fault it should have been me in this b-
Amy: Cheyenne it's not your fault, it's bos. I'm fine you know the things I would do to protect you. Amy said with a smile on her face.
Amy: So did you call Jonah?
Cheyenne: Yeah he's on his way.
Amy: Thanks Chey. Did you get a chance to talk to the police?
Cheyenne: Yeah. And I finally got a restraining order on him!
Amy: That's goo-
Jonah walked into the room before Amy could finish her sentence
Jonah: Oh my god, Amy! Jonah ran up to Amy with a look of panic in his eyes.
Jonah: I am so sorry Amy!
Amy: It's fine. I did it to protect Cheyenne.
Jonah: Well I'm glad your ok.
Amy: Me too.
A doctor walked into Amy's room.
Dr. Susan: Hi folks I'm dr.susan. unfortunately Mrs.Sosa is going to have to stay the night so we can make sure nothing else is wrong with her. If everything goes well you guys can come get her tomorrow morning.
Jonah: Ok, thank you Dr.susan
Dr.susan walks out of the room
Jonah: If you want I can stay here all night.
Amy: Jonah that's sweet but I need you to take care of the kids and protect Cheyenne. I promise I'll be fine.
Jonah: Ok. Cheyenne can I have a minute with her?
Cheyenne: Sure I'll go get the kids in the car and start it.
Cheyenne walks out of the room and closes the door.
Jonah: Are you sure you don't want me to stay here? I can drop Cheyenne and the kids off at Glenn's. He would be thrilled I'm sure.
Amy: yes jonah I'm fine. I promise. Plus Emma will probably be in here any minute and she'll insist on staying the night. I won't be lonely I promise. Amy gave jonah a reasuring look
Jonah: Ok. Jonah said as he gave Amy a kiss and left
A few minutes later Emma entered the room in panic.
Emma: Oh my god! Mom are you ok?! What the fuck happened to you?! Emma said as she ran up to Amy giving her a big hug.
Amy: My friend Cheyennes husband hit me in the head with a bat because they were fighting. It left a big bruise. I'll be ok don't worry honey.
Emma: I left my apartment as soon as Jonah texted me. Do you want me to stay the night here?!
Amy: If you want you can. I'll be here for at least the night. but don't feel like you have to stay because you don't. It's fine either way
Emma: I'll stay here. I finished all my homework and I don't have any classes tomorrow.
Meanwhile with Jonah
Jonah gets home and locks the door behind him.
Jonah: Ok so I'm gonna go change into something less formal I'll be right back. Jonah said as he walked up the stairs.
Cheyenne sat on the couch in the living room and did harmonicas hair to calm herself down. Parker and Carter where watching SpongeBob with harmonica.
Harmonica: Mom are you ok?
Cheyenne: Yeah sweetie just daddy's being a bit of a jerk right now and he hurt Aunt Amy. Cheyenne held back tears
Harmonica: Can I still see daddy?
Cheyenne: Of course sweetie! Just probably not for a while because he isn't in the best mood right now.

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Dinas picture

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