Golden Petals

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The story has involvements of unhealthy relationships, death, trauma, violence, blood, mentions of adultery, execution, traditional pack dynamics, and unresolved problems.

A symbolization of his abilities, Frost couldn't quite remember exactly he knew somewhat was wrong with his youngest sister. But perhaps ever since they were young when his sister has cast the role of omega due to her weak stature and given the name Runt. But a side of him thinks it was because of the registration of Riley's passing, their sister who was just older than Runt by an hour, and yet, the omega was hit the hardest when she had seen her sister being crushed by a tree during a commotion of a thunderstorm. To take the responsibility for Riley's death especially when it was learned that her ghost still kept a close eye on the youngest via a necklace she possessed. Runt had still run away despite the ghost's reinsurance, needing to fend for herself at a young age just to meet up with her siblings when years passed.

Everything had gone well enough, Runt seemed to have recovered. She, Ryder, Leon, and Frost kept in touch, and everything was going smoothly. Runt had married her high school sweetheart, Bradfer, and had a daughter nicknamed S.C. Frost didn't quite see the pleasure of a relationship but still kept a present mark in her life. But as time went on, Runt had shown herself to be an admirable person in their town, her selflessness and admiration do things were what kept her motivated and at ease.

Oh, how Forst wished it stayed that way.

When a fire had broken out in the forest due to a supervised firepit by a few campers, Runt was oblivious and careless. Even with the insistence of both her partner and child, she went into the blaze without a proper plan. Just to get the people out of the fire. Runt had tried her best to keep the fire under control, her necklace coming in hand at some points. A necklace allows her to transform into a winged variant of herself depending on motives and emotions that are the strongest. But even with a bird's eye view, Runt could have barely seen the campers before nearly getting hit by a tree. Despite not deeply injuring her, a branch had hit the gem in her necklace but took time for the effects to kick in.

Unable to find the group, she rushed to the border of the forest, realizing and seeing the damage and burn marks she had gained and that one of her wings had nearly burned off, a few still falling off when she stopped. That is when a great pain struck her and made their drop to her knees, a jolt to her right eye as an ink-like liquid started to creep up from the amulet over it and transform her damaged wing blue. Making her scream in agony and hold her face as Frost ran over to her. Frost could only wash in disgust at some of the people behind him. Not many tried to get signal medical help, some looked in digits and horror. But most importantly, he felt his heart ache when Bradford pushed S.C away so carelessly towards another woman. Even if he was never able to get the answers to what happened then, it didn't take long before he found out.

The second incident was from this. The eldest of the five was never sure what happened to the loving hero of the town during her pain, but something must have struck a nerve. She had slowly developed into a near heartless person to anyone around that wasn't family. That led to the downfall of Bradford divorcing her and taking most of the custody of S.C, only being engaged a year or two later by the same woman from the fire, Hope Riveria. But that seemed to only fuel Runt's anger more and became more malicious and less merciful beyond recognition.

Only on May 26th did things kick off terribly. Frost was instructed to murder Hope himself. He felt compelled by how Runt explained herself, how Hope had 'done many' unjustified things in their town. Accusing her of adultery. First didn't have the heart to say no, but at the same time couldn't kill someone. At last, he carried out the deed to leave Hope unconscious and believed she would bleed out but she was found before she could. Hope knew better, and decided things for herself, deciding an execution must be in place. So a week later, after Frost had learned from a rally, he went to his studies to find a spell to temporarily make himself look like Runt so she could run away. Asked if she would change her ways.

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