Chapter 2

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I woke up with this buzzing feeling in my stomach. I could barely think. "oh i get to see him again today" i say giggling to myself.

I chuck on some jeans & a shirt and my shoes. Grabbed my backpack and decided to miss breakfast today.
lyla: "Jaz hurry, i'm gonna drive out in ten" i yell while reapplying my lip balm. (just in case tehe)
Me and jaz hop in the car and she decided to play whatever the radio had on.
lyla: "i'm nervous, how did you already make friends wtf"
Jaz: "Uh i open my mouth and talk to people" while rolling her eyes
lyla: "bitch" i say annoyed.

*Arrived to school thankfully didn't get hit this time*
lyla: "if you want a ride back home be here by 3:30" i say while parting way with her in the halls of the school.
Jaz: "yeah cool" while walking to her friends in another direction.

Just stay cool. it's fine. it's literally just school
omg. i make my way to the head office to get my timetable and locker directions. Before i step
into the office i see eddie. "fuck, omg this is so
awkward" i say debating whether to walk in the office or just to walk back to my car and drive off a cliff. No i have to go. i push the door open, with a loud creek. I fiddle with my bad belt, before eddie turns around with the biggest smile on his face.
Eddie: "Lyla? u go here" he says walking over to me.
Lyla: "H-hey eddie, yeah i just didn't come yesterday, i was u-uh sick"
I got so nervous i moved passed him to the front desk.
Lyla: "Hi miss, im new, how do i know where my first class is. oh a-and my locker" i say stuttering because eddie was right behind me but on the side.
office lady: "honey what's ur name, i'll print a copy of ur timetable"
Eddie buts in the conversation: "Lyla Roma is her name" he giggled as he looked at me. He was on my left side. i smiled and said "uh yeah Lyla, L Y L A"
The lady hands me my timetable and a little note with the locker code on it.
lyla: "Sorry where's Mr kenons class, i don't know my way round yet sorry" i say with eddie still leaning over the desk just waiting there.
Eddie: "Wait, Mr Kennons? I have him right now, i-i could take you if you'd like" he says with a straight smile.
Fučk fučk, what do i do. i'm so scared. Do i say yes?
Lyla: "Uh yeah" motioning him to the door to head to class.
He grabs my hand and looks at my bracelet with a guitar charm attached. He grabbed my hand so hard i thought we was tryna hurt me. I looked at him confused as to why he grabbed me so sudden.
Eddie: "You play?" so eagerly. He smiled looking directly at me
Lyla: "not much, i know a couple songs i guess" i smile looking down at my shoes nervous. "do you play the guitar?" i say nervously looking at him, then his lips. oh my god. i just wanted to smile so bad. But i can't. not yet. omg.
Eddie: "i am the master of the guitar" while releasing my hand.
His hand kept touching my hand every now and then. he's so soft. he smelt so good. his hair smelt exactly like the shampoo i used to use. he's so nice. and he plays guitar?? i smile down to the floor. it got abit awkward because it got so quiet while walking thru the halls.
Eddie: "What number was ur locker?" he looked so nervous.
lyla: "13" looking back down straight away. while smiling.
Eddie: "You keep smiling, am i making you nervous"
I could feel my knees basically turn to jello. i laughed and hit his arm lightly. he started laughing. But then he stopped in his tracks.
Eddie: "you said 13 right" looking at me as i'm about 2-3 steps infront of him.
Lyla: "Uh yeah 13" "why you stopping" with a confused look on my face.
He extended his arm out and pulled the bottom of my shirt in his direction.
Lawd have mercy. i was thinking the wrong things already. i was so nervous but i loved it. i followed where he pulled me to.
Eddie: "That's it, locker 13" with my back against the locker.
Lyla: "W-what? Where?" i say nervously looking around to get out of this situation before i just faint from these butterflies.
Eddie: Giggles lightly. "turn around love" he laughs at me still looking confused.
he grabs the top of my hips/waist but not to far down to turn me around. i almost crumbled of butterflies.
Eddie: "Dam youre so slow aren't you" he says laughing as he leans to the locker in my left while i unlocked the locker. He staring right at me. licking his lips.
Lyla: laughing "i d-didn't see it sorry" while laughing.
Y'all this man is making me giggle like never before. maybe i might like this school 😏
Eddie: "yeah yeah" he says while rolling his eyes and giggling. "you're so...pause... beautiful" he says putting abit of my hair behind my ear
i wouldn't say i get uncomfortable, but nervous. I smiled at him. but not for long because he was so close i got nervous. i shut my locker rolling my eyes playfully at him, and i walked in the opposite direction away from him. i smiled so hard as i faced away from him walking. i heard his footsteps catch up to me with him laughing quietly.
Eddie: "So i do make you nervous huh, you know i can see you smiling" he says coming down to my level to look me in the face.
Eddie: "you don't even know where your class is" while laughing and smiling "hurry your going to be late, You're teachers a d!ck" he says while grabbing the bottom of my shirt again to pull me in the direction he's going in.
Lyla: "My teacher? Don't we both have him right now" i say trying to hide my smile.
Eddie: he's laughing looking at his shoes "no i just wanted to walk to class, you know make you get to the right one" he stops and then i stop. by then he's just looking at me.
Eddie: "you look so cute when ur nervous" he laughs "your class is right there with the read paper on it, don't be scared, i can walk you in if you want" he says looking abit worried as he can see i'm abit nervous to walk in.
lyla: "no no you go to yours now, im not 5 years old" while laughing. i looked down and somehow he was still holding onto my pinky finger. i looked up.
Lyla: "uh thanks for showing me around, but i should probably go now" pulling my hand away from his.
Eddie: "yeah yeah of course" he smiled up at me.
Lyla: i left him, and walked in
Mr Kennon: "Oh Class this is the new girl all the way from Pennsylvania" with a stern voice. "you can sit up the middle"
I walk to the seat he told me to go to. Then i saw yet another guy. tall, brown fluffy hair, and such a pretty face. shit didn't think this shithole would have so many good looking guys. wtf.
Steve: H-hey i'm steve" while reaching out to my hand and shaking it.
lyla: "i'm" then gets interrupted.
Steve: "lyla" yeah i heard" he says laughing. "how you liking it in hawkins?" he says with a small smirk.
lyla: "I haven't really explored, but i like it, it's okay" i say opening my books to change the subject as i was getting nervous because he kept staring at me.
Steve: "There's nothing to explore in this shit hole, but i've got a few places in mind, uh i can take you tonight, i-f you want?"
wtf i have two of the hottest guys ever seen riding my dick right now.... who do i even choose. they're so different from eachother. fuck.
Lyla: i giggle and keep writing. thinking of a nice way to decline. i don't even know him yet. he makes me feel nervous in a good way but fk i barely know steve.
lyla: "How about another day, i can't do tonight. i have uh-uh my little sister to watch sorry, i can do any other day next week?" nervous... he might just not want to hang anymore. i didn't really care either way tho.
Steve: "next week thursday, 7:30, i'll pic-" he gets interrupted by the bell.
Mr kennon: "Guys have your assignment handed in no later than 7:00pm tonight or that's a straight fail" he says sternly.
I look over to the door and see eddie right on the side of the door. fuck. i was planning to walk out w steve... i turn to steve and see he's still looking at me. lyla: "next thursday is perfect. i'll see you then" holding his hand on accident. i grab my bag quickly tho. and fast pace out the class.
eddie; "LYLA!!!"

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