ep 6~ My little brother

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Place: inside Jake's house (the door)

I came in and see- Jake you're back!!!

How's school? Did someone bully you? How was the music club? Did you sing a different song? What did you do in the science lab? Tell me every single detail!!!

That was my little brother he's 2 years younger, he's interested in my school since we have different schools.

I was about to answer till my dog came and jumped on me

Ahh, Oreo!!! Hahaha stop licking me!!
Then he stopped, thank you Oreo

My mom came? And say How's school? I was surprised, you're back very early normally you come-

I asked,

Well I...

Jake's mom pov 👁👄👁
I can't think her name(sorry)

This time I usually work now, I mean I always ignore him,

I don't know why I even talked to him. Now I notice he's thinking too long I thought,

Never mind than I'm heading upstairs to work now

Jake's pov 💀🧡

My little brother said, Is there something wrong Jake?  You seem... off
Wait DID SOMEONE BULLY YOU AGAIN. I will punch, kick, slap or do anything for them to stop!!! Jack yelled aka my little brother

I was scared for him to fight, this is not his first time,

So they did!!!. What no?

Come on Oreo said Jack, No don't go-

Milo left

It seems like I'm the younger one because he a little protective... Ok a lot but he's kind and every thing...

But he gets a lot of fights, but my parents say it's a good thing to fight for himself, that's why his the favorite

I am not jealous or anything but he needs to stop, he has bruises but he saids it's normal.

I should just go upstairs.

Milo's pov😢

Ugh who would hurt him anyway? He is kind,helpful, caring, and every thing!!!

I should look at his school. Oreo? You want revenge? Woof!!! Know so.

I noticed that I don't know who, maybe  I should ask Drew right Oreo? Woof!!!

Then let's go!!!

Jake's pov😬

I can't sleep tho- I should just use my phone then, I got it and turned it on till I noticed that my profile was me, the music club together in half and the another on is me, Drew, Liam, Henry.

I wanted to change the profile pic so I did,

I went to my album of pictures,

oh no, most of them are... Come on!!!!

I just need to find a picture besides them... so I look the older one and found Jack, Oreo and I, so I used that

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