Happy birthday (lemon)

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Kid yawned as he set foot inside of the kitchen of his very own ship. Humming filled the air as you moved around, swaying your hips with every step you took, preparing breakfast for the crew. In a fluid movement, you placed down a cup of coffee for the wakening captain before twirling around and walking towards the stove. Kid's lips stayed sealed, enjoying to see how you moved about, thinking more about the crew than about yourself.. and it started to annoy the captain. As a plate filled to the brim was placed in front of him, he snapped out of it, his amber eyes looking you up and down, making you giggle softly. "Difficult waking up, cap?" Kid sighed. Another thing that started to annoy him lately. You cared too much about him, talked to him more out of the bedroom you both shared instead of being your former shy behaviour. It wasn't that bad, no. It was more like.. he didn't deserve it and he can't act the same way towards you. That's what's bothering him. So, to answer your question, he only hummed and covered his face with his right hand before rubbing his cheek with the palm of it. "I.. could make you a stronger coffee, if you want." You asked quietly, ducking back in case he might become angry this early in the day. His hand moved away from his face slowly, his amber eyes focussed on your form. He didn't have to say anything, or you would shuffle away from him. "I take that as a 'no'. Sorry I asked." Moving away quickly, you missed the hurt flickering in his eyes, Kid knowing full well that this isn't what he wanted in the relationship you both shared.

Kid sighed as he started eating his breakfast. Heat was next to arrive into the kitchen area, taking his plate with his long and scarred hands. "Thanks." He muttered, moving forward as his lips hovered over the skin of your cheek, hesitating slightly. "Happy birthday, birdy." Heat smiled slightly as you grinned up at him, accepting his kiss on your cheek as a present. Without another word added, Heat walked towards the table, grabbing a cup of coffee for himself on the way. "Morning cap!" He chirped, quickly digging into his food, munching on it loudly. Soon, Heat was followed by Wire, Killer and some others of Kid's crew and all of them, every. Single. One. Of. Them, kissed you on your cheek, wished you a happy birthday and took their breakfast from you. Every single time, you smiled gently at them, like a mother to their child, before giving their share of breakfast.

At the end of the line, after every crew member had gotten their food and drinks, Kid was still looking at your form, a little more slumped now after serving so much for everyone, but still humming contently. Moving his hands to rest on the table before pushing himself up, Kid took in a massive breath, urging himself to go towards you. His hands in the air, Kid moved behind you, making you jump before turning around with wide eyes. Upon seeing it was your boyfriend rather your captain-mode, you relaxed and leaned into his lax embrace. "Hey, Kid." You muttered softly, your left hand resting upon his chest next to your face. "Was the breakfast okay?"

Kid hummed, his hand stroking your back as he rested his chin on top of your head, his eyes closed and lips curled up a little. "More than okay. You should know that." He whispered into your hair right before giving you a quick kiss on it. It might feel like just pressing his lips on it, but you would know what he meant with it. At least, that's what Kid hoped anyway. Now it was your turn to hum before giggling as his finger caressed your side in a circular motion, tickling you. "I'll give you something later tonight, so don't become too tired for that, birdy." He whispered. Looking up curiously, you noticed how close Kid's face was. Without thinking, you leaned on your tippy toes and pressed your soft lips against his, closing your eyes.

"You know you don't have to." You said, eyes still closed and your lips ghosted over his.

"I want to." Kid moved away to go to the exit of the room, walking away from your protesting words.

"I'll be waiting then!" You all but yelled after him. Kid's foot faltered as he wanted to put it down. Not turning around, Kid smirked and raised his hand to wave it away, being nonchalant about it. To be honest, he could only hope you'd enjoy it, rather than turning away from him. He wishes, whishes, something he doesn't do just for the heck of it, you'll love it as much as he's imagining you to.

Eustass Kid x Reader Secret intentions (lemon)Where stories live. Discover now