January 10th

197 6 1

"Kid, please come back inside. It's cold." You breathed, a small cloud of mist forming as you said those words. Nervously, your (e/c) eyes darted left to right, watching the men stare each other off for a while. Wrapping your arms around yourself, you tried to keep the warmth your body emitted for yourself within your captain's coat. He actually went outside without it and you took it upon yourself to bring it. "Come on, guys. It's way too cold for this." You now sighed, shaking your head in defeat before walking up the now white path towards Apoo and your captain, Kid. 'You could just do this over a cup of hot cocoa too, you know.' Upon thinking this, you neared the two full-grown men on the frozen land, rocks, first brown and dark as the night, were blinding in the shining daylight. "You're behaving like children." The words were forced from your lips, not thinking about them at all. Kid's amber eyes flickered towards your form, maybe only now registering you were there and not inside like he had told you to.

"Get back inside, (y/n). It's too cold for you here." He demanded, his eyes trailing back to his opponent, arms ready to attack as new iron started to gather around and onto his already metal arm. Glaring at him, you ignored his command and started to stand in between them, blocking both of their upcoming attacks.

"Hypocrite. You two have been at it for the last couple of hours. Get your asses back inside yourself. You're getting yourself sick." Apoo started laughing at your words, his arms flailing around as he did. "And you! Mister monkey, are just an attention-whore. Stop getting on my captain's nerves or you'll face the consequences." The shy side of yours had evaporated, melting away like the snow facing the sun around you as you just wanted them to be smart for once in their lifetime. The laughing halted, stopping your frustration and anger from building, Apoo's eyes focusing on you through his glasses.

"You're pretty annoying, you know that?" He huffed, raising his hands in the air as you threw him a threatening look. "Maybe we should fight it out before I take down your captain. What do you think?" His freezing breath made him look like he smoked and the thought amused you, making a smile appear on your face. Apoo, being the human he is, thought it was a challenge and he changed his stance for battle. "Come on, little girl. Show me what you've got and why you're still in their crew." Kid grinned upon Apoo's words, crossing his arms over his chest as his eyes landed on your smaller form. He knew what you were worth, even if it has been a while since your last fight. Your own eyes found his expression fast, huffing as you crossed your arms yourself, glaring up at his amber eyes. A quick 'fuck you' followed, hoping he would catch the words from your silent lips before looking back at the man with four elbows. Spreading your feet on the ground, you crouched down just a little, your eyes never leaving his face. The sound of Kid's retreating steps were lost on you as you were too focussed on the upcoming fight. Apoo snickered as his hand flailed in the air, beckoning you over to where he was. Ignoring his attempt of taunting, you flicked your wrists, revealing the hidden blades from under your jacket. "Hey! I wanted no funny business! I thought it would be a battle of strength."

"You never mentioned that, so I'm fighting the way I want to, monkey." The vein of his temple started beating from under his skin angrily. Oh how fun to mess with him to get under his skin. Sticking out your tongue, you pulled down an eyelid, mocking him even more.

"Real mature, (y/n)." Kid said, a hint of laughter filling his words. Quickly, you threw him the same expression before turning around to face Apoo again, not wanting him to take you by surprise.

"Oi! Little one, eyes on me!" Scratchmen Apoo said from a few feet away, scowling as he spoke. It didn't take long before the both of you went all out, falling and throwing each other on the ground, rolling in the snow before you made a show of being bored. Feeling taunted, Apoo growled, scowling down at you. "Oof!" He hadn't seen it coming as snow hit him right in his face, some of it landing past his lips. The man sputtered before wiping away the snow, his face red from the heat. His glasses were almost knocked off, his earphones already hanging around his neck.

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