Durmstrang and Beauxbatons

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The sixth-year lessons were getting more difficult and demanding with each day and the amount of essays and homeworks was ever increasing.

"You are in a very important phase of your magical education," McGonagall told them, looking from over her oval-shaped glasses "You are now N.E.W.T.-level students!"

Professor Snape had them writing weekly essays and had even hinted that he might be poisoning one of them to see if their antidote worked. Professor Binns and Professor Flitwick had both asked them to read two extra books each. Between barking and growling "CONSTANT VIGILANCE" Moody had threatened them with putting them under the Cruciatus Curse next. When students protested, he said he would only do so, so they could get a feel of real life danger and be prepared for what's out there.

Yet for the past week, the only thing everyone talked about was the Triwizard Tournament. Rumours were spreading about who was going to enter, what the tournament would be like and how the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students were like.

Y/n and George had hardly managed to spend any time together outside of classes, and when they did, it was always with Fred and other students around them. After that Potions class, where y/n had realized the depth of her feelings for George, she had made everything in her power to avoid being alone with him. In the meantime, she had found refuge in her schoolwork and Cedric's company. He was a really good student, particularly proficient in Charms and Transfiguration, and had offered her his help. Amid her busy schedule and her turbulent feelings of late, Cedric's calm and and steady demeanor was a change y/n welcomed.

On the morning of the 30th of October, the day that the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang delegations were arriving, y/n went up to the Great Hall for breakfast with Cedric, and noticed that it had been decorated the night before. Silk banners representing each Hogwarts House were hanging from the wall and behind the teachers' table was a large banner with the Hogwarts coat of arms.

Y/n saw Ron with his friends at the Gryffindor table conversing animatedly, while George, Fred, and Lee were sitting apart from everyone else. Fred noticed y/n and waved his hand, inviting her over. George and Lee looked up as she and Cedric approached the table.

"You didn't show up last night," Fred said to y/n, when she sat down. At her inquisitive look, he said, "We were supposed to meet at the library, did you forget?"

"Oh, no! How did I forget that? I was with Cedric and we-" y/n began.

"It's actually my fault, I was helping y/n with her assignment for Herbology," Cedric said with a friendly expression.

"Yeah, Cedric is really good at it -- I mean at Herbology -- and I completely lost track of time," y/n said, and let out an awkward laugh.

"Is that so?" said George humourless.

"You guys got any news on the Triwizard Tournament yet?" Cedric asked, trying to diffuse the tension. Y/n was grateful for it.

Ron and Harry leaned closer, listening intently.

"We don't know how the champions will be chosen" said Lee bitterly.

"McGonagall told us there will be a panel of judges that will award points to each champion," added Fred.

"Who do you think the judges will be?" Ron chimed in eagerly.

"The Heads of the participating schools are always on the panel," said Hermione, and everyone looked around at her, rather surprised.

She noticed them and said impatiently, "It's all in Hogwarts, A History. Actually, everything one needs to know concerning Hogwarts is there... if any of you would ever bothered to read it, that is..." she continued to complain under her breath.

There was a sense of anticipation in the air that day and the lessons went by quick. Even Potions was more tolerable than habitual, since everyone was far more interested in the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students' arrival that evening. As soon as the bell rang, y/n and Cedric went down to the Hufflepuff Basement, left their belongings, put on their cloaks and hats, and hurried back into the Front Hall. The entire school was assembling to greet the delegations before the Welcoming Feast.

Professor Sprout was among the Heads of Houses lining up their students in front of the castle.

"Follow me, now, first-years in front..."

It was almost nearly six o'clock and the sky was getting darker, the round moon shining over the Black Lake. Y/n saw Fred and George standing among other Gryffindors. Fred was shifting his weight from one leg to the other in antecipation, while George stood still with his arms crossed staring into empty space. He seemed upset.

Y/n wondered if it was because she had forgotten their meeting last night. They were supposed to try to find literature on aging methods. She felt terrible that she'd forgotten about it, but she couldn't comprehend why George was so cross? He couldn't expect her to neglect her assignments. Was he jealous of Cedric? Geroge had never liked him much, that was true, but now he was almost hostile.

Y/n felt conflicted. She was now sure about her feelings for George, and it was impossible for her to ignore them. She couldn't tell him about them either. He would think her a fool. How were they supposed to continue being best friends if he knew she liked him? Y/n's only hope was that some distance might make her feelings dormant.

She was still watchig George, when he turned his head in her direction. He fixed her with his gaze for a couple of seconds, with no smile, no acknowledgement. He looked at Cedric beside her and immediately turned his eyes away.

"How do you think they'll be coming?" Cedric asked leaning in.


"The Durmstrangs and Beauxbanots, of course," said Cedric.

"I don't know, maybe with train?" y/n said absentmindedly. She was miserable. Her worst fear had come true - her feelings for George were driving them apart.

All of a sudden a sixth-year Hufflepuff pointing at the sky exclaimed, "There they are! Look! Look, everyone!"

A large flying object was approaching the castle at great speed. As it got closer and closer, its shape became clearer: it was a huge flying azure carriage pulled by twelve winged white horses. When it finally landed with a huge bang, scattering the front rows of students, and its door opened alarge woman, the largest y/n had ever seen, came out from the carriage. Some students gasped, others were standing on tiptoe trying to get a better look.

"Merlin's beard! That's a big woman!" said Cedric.

Dumbledore clapped and soon everyone followed. The woman walked towards Dumbledore, who took her glittering hand and kissed it.

"Oh Dumbly-dorrr! I ope you are well?" she said.

"My dear Madame Maxime, welcome to Hogwarts!" Dumbledore said.

Behind Madame Maxime, a dozen Beauxbatons students came out of the carriage and stood shivering due to their thin robes made of silk.

Everyone stood now in the cold, waiting for the Durmstrang delegation to arrive. Soon, a loud noise drifted toward them.

"Look, the lake!" called Lee out, pointing at it.

Y/n turned around to look at the Black Lake just when a whirpool had started to appear in the middle of it. A glorious black ship rose out of the lake. It looked like an old pirate ship. A few moments later, a plank was lowered onto the bank and a dozen bulky figures disembarked onto the shore, lead by a tall man with silver hair and beard.

"Dumbledore!" the tall man shouted, "How are you, my old friend?"

"Professor Karkaroff! Wonderful, wonderful, thank you! Welcome to Hogwarts!" Dumbledore replied shaking hands with the man.

"It's good to see you!" Karkaroff said, "Viktor, come along now, let's go inside, my boy..." he motioned to one of his students encouraging him to go forward.
As the thin figure passed by her row, she noticed his dark hair and crooked nose. Y/n had seen him before. She remembered Ron's miniature figure that he would often set on the table and let walk around.

"Bloody hell, it's Viktor Krum!" y/n heard Cedric whisper.

Gunpowder & Daisies (George Weasley x Reader/ Cedric Diggory x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now