The Field of Enchanted Daisies

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It was late and y/n, Fred, George and Lee were huddled around the fireplace in the almost empty Gryffindor Common Room, discussing magical methods they could use to bluff their way into the Triwizard Tournament.

The room full of squashy armchairs was empty besides them four, and Harry Potter and Ron, Fred and George's youngest brother, sitting on a table near the window, making up the most tragic predictions for their Divination homework.

Y/n heard Ron saying "OK, so Monday next week I am going to drown... and... erm... Tuesday I'll be in danger of burns..."

Crookshanks, Hermione Granger's bandy-legged ginger cat, wandered around the room for a while, hopping from lap to lap and finally seating himself comfortably near y/n, in front of the crackling fire warming the circular room.

Soon, Lee announced with a big yawn that he was tired and going to bed. Fred followed soon after, and y/n watched him as he slowly went up the spiraling staircase that led to the boys dormitories. It was now just y/n and George sitting on the big couch, her legs on top of his, and Harry and Ron, looking more lost and miserable than ever while trying to finish their homework.

"So Bagman hasn't reached out yet?" y/n asked George in a quiet voice making sure that only he could hear her.

"No," he replied while quickly glancing around, and leaning closer to her. "We wrote him just a couple of days ago while still at the Burrow. We're thinking of writing again if he doesn't reply soon. That miserable git really payed us in leprechaun gold, can you imagine?"

"What a gobshite. Swear on Morgana, I will hex him when I see him." y/n said angrily. The money the twins had lost was supposed to finance Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.

"Feisty," said George smiling. "My only hope is that it was all a mistake..." he sighed.

"That doesn't explain why he wouldn't answer your letter though," she said.

"No, I suppose it doesn't," George replied staring at the fireplace.

"Dinner was a long time ago. I'm kind of feeling hungry," began George, "What do you think, quick snack run to the kitchens?" A mischievous sparkle lit his eyes.

"Say less. I've been craving chocolate éclairs all summer!" y/n replied excitedly.

They were climbing out of the portrait hole when y/n bumped into Hermione, who was coming in carrying a sheaf of parchment and a funny looking box in her hands.

"Oh, hi..." Hermione said, her eyes narrowing with suspicion when she saw the mischievous look on y/n's eyes. "On our way to look for trouble again, are we? It's beyond me how you have never been caught before."

"Oh, live a little, 'Mione," y/n said.

"Yea, try that sometime, 'Mione," said George. Bumping fists while giggling, the two walked away, leaving Hermione dumbstruck and shaking her head in disapproval.

Outside the Fat Lady's portrait, y/n and George looked around carefully before heading down the moving staircases - the Hogwarts kitchen was located directly under the Great Hall down the staircase leading to the Hufflepuff Common Room. They had done this countless times before, so they weren't afraid of getting caught.

It was an exhilarating feeling, to stroll around the castle with her favorite partner in crime. Y/n and George quickened their pace sometimes to a jog, one chasing the other, their footsteps echoing in the empty corridors and passages. They occasionally stopped to look at paintings and make fun of its inhabitants. When they had almost reached the ground floor, they heard Filch's footsteps, and quickly hid in the Girl's Toilets on the first floor. Hands covering each other's mouths so as to not burst out laughing, they waited for the caretaker to pass them.

Gunpowder & Daisies (George Weasley x Reader/ Cedric Diggory x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now