Levi- Savior

549 5 1

Reader Status: Cadet; Female; mid-20's


"Y/N!" Eren screamed from your left as he watched the Female Titan reach for you on your horse.

You looked back over your shoulder in fear. This was not how you wanted to die. You didn't want to die period, but especially not at the hands of a Titan.

You and the rest of the Levi Squad were transporting Eren through the forest. Captain Levi was up front, directly behind him was Eren, Petra to Eren's left and you to his right, and the guys pulled up the rear.

You suddenly hopped up onto the saddle of your horse, getting ready to jump on Captain Levi's. At Eren's shout of your name, Levi had turned to look over his right shoulder. He saw you standing and moved his horse in front of yours, as close as he could.

You jumped without a second thought and grabbed onto Levi as tightly as you could. You turned to look back at your horse just to see the Female Titan had grabbed it and squished it.

You winced and buried your face into the back of Levi's cloak. Your horse had been by your side for years.

"You okay, Cadet L/N?" Captain Levi called back to you. His voice was the same monotone it always was.

"Yes, Captain. Thank you!" you said back, arms hugging his torso.

Levi could feel your erratic heartbeat thumping against his back as you pressed your chest against it. He would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy the feeling of your body against his. He had been in love with you for years now but would never admit it. Not even to himself.

He was a stubborn one.

You also secretly had feelings for your Captain, ever since you first saw him on the battlefield. Sure, the first time you met him you thought he was handsome and all, but it developed into a full blown crush when you saw him on the battlefield for the first time when he hand chose you for the Levi Squad some years ago. He had taken down three Titans in a row, all by himself, and then saved you from one (since you were injured and couldn't fight back with as much force). He had cut the Titans wrist off as it brought you to its mouth, and then he caught you before you had fallen to the ground. That was the exact moment when you fell in love with him. 

A sudden thought now crossed your mind. With the added weight on the horse, it was sure to slow down, right? Would Captain Levi make you get off? But that was not what it felt like with the wind cutting at your face as the horse barreled forward. And Levi paid no mind as he continued to lead everyone further into the forest.


Levi sighed as he saw his whole squad dead. The deaths never got better.

They never got easier.

He exhaled deeply as he passed over their bodies. He had no time to mourn them now, he needed to keep the fight going, for them.

He would also he lying to himself if he said that he didn't look for you amongst the rest of the squad. He was a bit relieved when he didn't find your body but then he wondered if the Female Titan had eaten you.


"Got him. He's disgusting but he's alive." Levi called to Mikasa.

"It's time to go." he said and the two took off, Levi carrying Eren.

As the two maneuvered their gear through the trees, movement caught Levi's eye. He looked to his right and stopped moving.

Mikasa did the same. "It's Y/N! I'll get her!" she said.

"No." Levi said immediately, voice harsh. "I'll get her. We got the man you love. I'm going to get the woman I love."

Levi handed a slimy Eren to Mikasa and told her to head to the regrouping area. He then used his gear to reach you.

"Captain Levi!" you exclaimed in relief. "I didn't think you'd see me!"

You sat on the forest floor, back against a tree. You had been waving your arms back and forth, in an SOS manner, trying to get his attention and you were extremely relieved when he saw you.

Levi stared at you in disbelief. You were alive!

"How..." he muttered as he took in your injured form.

"We went in to attack the Female Titan and as I swung down, she swatted at me like a fly. I crashed through the trees and landed here." you smiled softly up at him.

Levi didn't know what to do but his body was moving before he could control it. In a second, he was kneeling beside you, pulling you into an awkwardish hug. He just wanted to make sure you were really there.

You gladly snuggled against him. This was the first hug he had ever given you and you were going to relish in it.

"I'm okay, Captain. I'm okay." you cooed softly to him. You could feel the desperation of loss rolling off of him, that's when you realized.

"Oh my gosh....are they all..." you started and Levi simply nodded in the crook of your neck.

"Shit." you mumbled as you pulled him closer.

Once the hug was over, Levi stood up.

"Can you stand?" he asked, voice emotionless.

"Not really. I hurt my ankle and I have no gas." you knocked against your empty tank.

Levi leaned over, helped you up, and then hooked his arm around your waist.

"We should get going. It's going to be dark soon."

With that, you and Levi took off towards the others.


You and Levi had safely regrouped with the others and were glad to see many of them still alive. You walked around the best that you could with your sore ankle, trying to find anyone you knew.

Along the way, you found Captain Levi's horse and decided to take it to him.

"Captain." you said as you approached him, limping. Someone in the medical wagon had been kind enough to wrap your ankle although there were more pressing injuries to tend to.

Your ankle hurt, along with the whole left side of your body, but bringing Captain Levi his horse was the least you could do to repay him for saving your life.

Levi turned from Erwin and his face was unreadable, like always. "What are you doing out of the medical wagon?"

You smiled and gestured to the horse, "I came to bring your horse."

Erwin excused himself, saying that the regiment was moving out in five.

Once Erwin had walked off, Levi glanced away from you. "Get on."

A blush managed to cross your cheeks as your smile never faded.

"I uh, may need some help because of my ankle..." you said softly.

Levi clicked his tongue. He walked over to you, grabbed you by your hips and lifted you up in one swift motion.

"Thanks, Captain!" you smiled brightly down at him.

And Levi could swear, in the moment, he fell more in love with you.

But, he silently got onto the horse, grabbing its reigns. You wrapped your arms around his torso and laid your head against his back.

This was perfect. It may have been a mournful day, but this moment, being here with Captain Levi, was perfect.

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