Levi- Blurb

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Reader Status: Cadet; Female; mid-20's


"Stupid brat. Why would she give her only cloak away?" Levi mumbled under his breath as he looked at you across the dying fire.

You had fallen asleep some time ago, and Captain Levi had offered to take first watch. The two of you, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and a few others had been on a mission when things took a bit of a turn and stranded the two of you out in forest. The others had taken an injured Armin back to base camp as the two of you continued to fight Titans, distracting them from the others. But doing that only pushed the two of you further and further into the woods until all of the Titans were dead. That's what brought you up to this point, you asleep on one side of the low fire as Levi sat on a downed log on the other side.

Levi gazed at your sleeping form and saw you shiver. Your arms wrapping around yourself.

You were cold.

Levi sighed.

He took his cloak off, stood up, and covered you with it. Although he was simply left in a thin grey long sleeves, he knew you needed it more.

Once he placed the cloak on you, you snuggled into it with a 'hmmmm.'

Wait, did you just sniff it?

Captain Levi couldn't help the slight blush that formed on his cheeks. He would never admit it to anyone but, he had feelings for you and they only grew stronger by the day. Sure, he had to call you a brat and pretend to be annoyed with you but in reality, he had a massive crush on you. As you had for him.

You never really let what he said get to you because you knew that he wasn't a cold or mean person, he had just seen so much sadness in life that he had to conceal it up. Emotions would literally kill him if he let them out. But you understood and never poked or prodded him for anything. You knew better than that. But it didn't stop you from falling in love with him.


"Captain...Levi?" you said groggily as you sat up.

You tiredly rubbed your eyes, the way small children do when they wake up in the middle of the night. It was a bit difficult for your eyes to adjust to the darkness that surrounded you.

Levi looked at you from across the dying fire. "Hmm?"

"It's my turn to take....watch." you yawned.

Levi looked away from you and into the dark forest.

"Just go back to sleep, brat." he said stoically.

"Are...Are you sure?"


But that yes was for more than one thing. For a while he had been thinking of how beautiful you looked and how peaceful you were while you slept. Should he confess his feelings for you...?

"Okay, Captain." you smiled tiredly and laid back down, pulling Levi's cloak around you.

You couldn't get the image of him sitting there in a grey long sleeves with his hair falling into his eyes, out of your head. He was so gorgeous, how did you ever get lucky to be stranded with him?


Sunlight streamed down through the leaves of the tall trees that surrounded you. You groggily rubbed your eyes and sat up, feeling something slip off of you.

Looking at you lap, you saw a cloak.

That's weird, I thought I gave mine to Armin..., you thought to yourself.

And then it hit you, this was Captain Levi's cloak!

Had he given it to me in the night?, you asked yourself.

You lifted the fabric gently and brought it up to your nose taking a deep inhale of the scent. Captain Levi's cologne wafted into you nose and you hummed in satisfaction.

"Oi, brat! Are you gonna keep sniffing my cloak or are you gonna help me?" Levi's emotionless voice brought you out of your trance.

You looked up ,startled, to see him with the bottom half of his grey shirt pulled up, acting as a basket of sorts. With his shirt up, you could see the toned muscles underneath, including his v-line and the hair that lead down to-

"Want a picture?" Levi snapped again and your face lit up in a blush.

"S-Sorry, Captain!" you stood up and made your way to him.

"Thanks for letting me borrow your cloak." you smiled and extended your hand that held it to him.

He clicked his tongue. "Keep it."

The blush on your cheeks darkened. "A-Are you sure?"

"If I wasn't I wouldn't have said it. Now, help me wash these berries for breakfast." he said as he walked away towards a small pail with water in it.

You slipped the cloak over your shoulders and smiled.

This was definitely something you could get used to.

Levi x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now