Chapter 75

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    "The so-called entering the devil, just like the cultivator has fifteen stages, the devil's way also has fifteen stages, namely lust, first, killing, second, stealing, third, lying, fourth, wrong view, fifth, greed, sixth, Gonggao, humiliation, seventh, anger and rape, eighth; falsehood, ninth, resentment, tenth, arrogance, eleventh, slander, twelfth, and wickedness, thirteen. I don't know why these two evil thoughts are."

    In the dark night, Po Jun lit an ever-bright lamp and put it down, illuminating the entire drowsy cave. The little phoenix turned into a bird and squatted beside the lamp, leaning round against the lamp to keep warm, listening to him with all his attention.

    On the other side, Seven Kills was dozing off against the rock wall, wondering if he was listening.

    At this moment, two days have passed since they set off, and they will be able to reach Shanhu Mountain in one day.

    Little Phoenix did not think of the identity of Seven Kills and Po Jun to the question that Tian Xingyi asked him a few days ago, "Who do you think is better than Brother Po Jun or Brother Seven Kill", nor did he find anything wrong.

    Seven Kills was silent from the beginning, but Po Jun was always looking for something to say at will. From time to time, he touched the fur of two little phoenixes and fed him a few pieces of rabbit food, which was no different from before.

    Little Phoenix begged: "Brother Po Jun, keep talking, I want to hear it."

    Po Jun stroked his mellow hair and thought about it: "The only known demon cultivator who has reached the thirteenth level is a waste. Because he was too aggressive, he took a lot of potions in one breath, his breath went wrong, and his mind went crazy. In the end, he was driven as a puppet at will, and the end was miserable. Therefore, cultivating demons is actually very important, but also pay attention to it. Gradually. If you use a lot of power without authorization during the cultivation period, or if you are interfered with by other things, and the breath goes wrong, it will be even more dangerous."

    Little Phoenix became worried, and turned around in a circle in anxiety: "You can leave it to There are only fifteen days for the micro-combination, does he plan to complete the fifteenth level within fifteen days? Is this considered very aggressive?"

    Po Jun flicked on his fluffy little head: "Don't worry, the root of the emperor is incomparable to ordinary people. Moreover, according to what I know... the power of the astrolabe, the magic path is about eight layers. But you don't have to worry about it, the eighth level is very easy for the emperor."

    Little Phoenix was relieved. He rubbed it in Po Jun's hand, then jumped off his palm, patted to the other side, and fell asleep leaning against his own small package.

    Just like how he came to Fuli Palace a year ago, this is his unique small package with blue embroidered small white flowers. There is only a dilapidated storage ring in it, which once contained 10,000 charms produced by Jinjin. Now this storage ring contains a long sword, which was a gift from Xing Yi before he set off.

    "This is the surprise I gave you, Xiao Yuanyuan."

     Xing Yi said to him as he bid farewell to him, and seemed a little nervous, "You gave me Shuangxiu as a surprise, I...don't know if you like this sword. If you don't like it, you can keep it if you don't particularly hate it."

    Little Phoenix took a look and found that it was a long sword with a dark red body, brilliance surging, and a scorching spiritual aura.

    He held the sword in his arms and asked, "But I don't know how to use a sword."

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