Carnival Sweets

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Now that we were at the fair, I could see just how bright and colourful it was. I had to admit, it looked like a lot of fun.

"This actually looks like fun. This might work, Karen!" I remarked, bringing Karen into a hug, making her blush. I felt the others look at me, but I didn't think much of it, "Let's burn this place to the ground!"

"Arson is not the answer, Ambrose!" Diana gasped.

"It's a figure of speech, Diana." I corrected, making Diana nod, confused, but seemingly understood that I wasn't an arsonist.

Anyways, with that sorted out, we all went to the arcade, where I had the number one spot in quite a few of the games. Namely the Dance Dance Revolution game. We decided to play the skeeball machine. It was fun at first, then Kara accidentally broke the machine, making me frown.

"You're gonna have to pay for that, Kara." I remarked, earning a glare from her.

After that incident, we went to a pizza place and got a pizza. When Diana tried it, she somehow found herself getting tangled in the cheese.

"Diana... How...?" I asked, confused.

Next up on the list was going to a music place, where Diana and Babs were dancing. At first, I was standing to the side, watching them dance, but Babs grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the dance floor, making me dance. Despite not really liking dancing in public, I was definitely having fun with my friends.

"This song is amazing!" I yelled.

Next up was a rollercoaster ride, which I was sitting at the front of with Babs. At first the roller coaster went up.

"Babs, if I turn into bat, lie to the staff and say I fell off." I said.

We went down the drop.

"What?!" Babs asked, but thankfully, I didn't transform into a bat so she didn't have to tell the staff I fell off the rollercoaster. I didn't even feel nauseous at the end... Probably because I'm used to flying.

Then was the photo booth, where we all crammed inside and took pictures... Though Kara broke her head through the wall. When the pictures came out, I looked completely dead inside and like life was a pain. Which it was.

"You look like you want to die." Kara chuckled.

"Yeah, because you make me want to." I remarked, deadpan.

Kara seemed surprised, but didn't say anything thanks my stomach growling at the perfect time.

"Should we get something to eat?" I asked.

"Yeah." the girls answered.

"Anyone want to go anywhere specific?" I asked.

"I know where." Zee answered, leading us to a local bakery called Sweet Justice. I had been there once before, "Ladies and Captains, after a night like tonight, there is only one thing that can cement this friendship... Frosting!" 

"How have I not heard of this place before?" Babs asked, pressing her face against the glass of the display showing all the different cakes.

Barry came to the front and noticed us all, so gave us a smile. And then started speaking, as fast as ever, "Hey-guys! So-what's-the-haps? What's-poppin'? What's-the-latest? Can-I-get-you-something-sweet? Sure-hope-so-'cause-that's-what-we-have. It's-sort-of-our-speciality."

"Jeez Barry, calm down on the caffeine!" I joked.

"Hi, Barry." Jessica, Karen, Kara and Zee greeted.

"So-what'll-it-be. The-usual? The-usual? The-usual? The-usual? The-usua-" Barry began but suddenly stopped speaking.

"And he's dead. I told him to stop drinking that caffeine." I said, completely deadpan.

Kara punched me in the ribs again, sending me flying out of the door.

"Is-he-okay?!" A panicked Barry asked.

"Hopefully not." Kara remarked, glaring at me as I walked back over, wiping some blood from my mouth.

"Rude. You just broke my ribs." I groaned.

"You deserved it." Kara growled. Poor Barry looked so confused.

"Babs will have the candy cake triple ripple tower with the rainbow sprinkles and Diana will have the death by chocolate." Zee explained, glancing at Diana as she began to take out her mallet, "Figure of speech, Diana."

Diana slowly put her mallet away.

"Here-you-go. Oh-it's-nice-to-meet-you-Diana." Barry said.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I shall await your text message in three day's time." Diana said. Poor Barry seemed even more confused.

"Don't worry about it. She's just saying hello." I sighed.

"Oh-thanks. What-are-you-ordering?" Barry asked.

"A cranberry raspberry surprise with strawberry gummies." I answered.

Barry ran back into the back room and within five seconds, my ice cream was finished and it was perfect. I grinned.

"Thanks! Looks just like blood!" I remarked, taking it and walking away.

"What?" Barry asked. 

I didn't answer him, just sat back down with the girls, waiting to eat their treats. We were all waiting for Diana to start.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Jessica asked.

Diana put the spoon in her ice cream and cautiously licked it. She looked like she had just taken crack-cocaine.

"Barry! Is there crack-cocaine in your ice cream?!" I shouted, earning a concerned look from Barry.

"No!" Barry shouted.

"Oh. Diana, are you okay?" I asked.

"Never have I tasted such wonderment. More! I must have more of this magical concoction! Do you intend to eat that?" Diana asked.

"Uh..." Karen began, but didn't get the chance to answer before Diana grabbed everyone's treat. Except mine because I snatched it away before she could.

"Diana, seriously, that's mine!" I growled.

"Sisters! Sibling! This food is more delectable than ambrosia! This place more perfect than Elysium! I declare that we must celebrate our every future victory here and thus!" Diana announced.

"Sweet Justice for the win!" Babs shouted.

"I do not know what that means." Diana remarked.

"It means she agrees. This will be our base of operation." I explained.

"Great!" Diana cheered.

Suddenly, we all heard some commotion coming from the front of the store, making us look to see what was going on.

"Hey, what are you doing? We turned down your offer. Get out of here, please." one of the owners begged.

"We said we wouldn't sell. Barry, go get our lawyer." the other owner said.

"Lawyer? Why do they need a lawyer?" Jessica asked. There wasn't much of an answer but a woman started to scream so that was concerning.

"Attention, citizens. This business or dwelling has been categorized for immediate destruction." a robot said.

"No!" the first owner gasped.

"Huh?" a boy asked, confused.

"I just wanted to eat my ice cream in peace!" I groaned. Couldn't this robot wait until I finished my ice cream?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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