my 15 birthday escape

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todays the day. i smiled a like an idiot on the inside but showed no emotion on the outside. it was midnight and that meant that i had finally become 15 years old. i wasn't tired at all but i fell asleep. i woke up to the sound of something tapping at my window. i was very confused i saw that the sky looked purple and black meaning not an hour had passed by. i groaned and sat up walking over to the window looking around when i saw a small pebble hit the window making a crack. i glared into the woods where i saw a figure throw another rock at the window almost breaking it. i glared at the figure and said 'in the name of everything unholy what are you doing trying to set off the alarm huh' the figure paused and nodded it's head. i mentally face palmed and said ' get out of the shadows so i can see your face' i quickly shook its head and pointed to me and pointed back to it's face 'do i come into the light then and you'll let me see your face?' it nodded and i stood up straight walking into the pale moon light my green eyes shinning brightly in an unhumanly fashion and my straight jacket tightly hugging my sides showing i was as skinny as i was starved. the figure stood back a little when it caught sight of my eyes and immediately came out of the shadows revealing that it was two figures in the light. one was wearing a feminine mask with black lips and blue eyes and a yellow jacket. the other wearing a dark orange hoodie and a black mask with a red frown and two glowing red eyes. i wish i could scratch my head but i forgot that i was in a straight jacket. i sighed and apparently they heard me. the one wearing the orange hoodie said in a quiet voice but digital voice which confused me " we came here to save you and your brothers." i was still confused that i didn't notice my brothers were next to them and in clothes that looked exactly like our clothes we wore when we killed our parents. i blinked as they were now in my room and tearing off my straight jacket leaving me in a long black and white long sleeved shirt that hid my hands. i laughed as i wrapped my arm around me pretending to still me in a straight jacket sticking out my tongue. i heard my brothers laughing and i muffled laugh from the masked men."finally i'm able to celebrate but first" i ran towards the door and looked around for guards and i broke the window setting off the alarm while i was jumping out of it. i saw my brothers in shock and staring i grunted and yelled "well run idiots" they turned and we ran for it like our lives depended on it and in this case they did

time skip from running~

out of breath my brothers collapsed under a redwood tree and fell into a deep sleep. i yawned and from being so tired i too collapsed under the same tree. falling asleep in my asylum clothes.

hoodie's pov

wow i never knew that that girl and her brothers are faster than me and masky are no wonder why slenderman wanted them. i sighed and looked at masky who was obviously out of breath. i took off my hood and wrapped up the sister while masky threw the brothers over his shoulders like sacks of potatoes and we headed towards the mansion. once we were there i knocked on the door expecting to see slenderman but instead it was ....... ....

ha cliff hanger who opened the door in the next door also i don't know if its true that masky has episodes or not so im just gonna assume that he does and you better be expecting them so yah :).

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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