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~Just a random screenshot from my Facebook.~

~ Pretend 24K is the one with the tie and Chase is the one in the bow tie

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~ Pretend 24K is the one with the tie and Chase is the one in the bow tie.~

~Pretend this is Noen in his wedding dress, (YES I SAID DRESS!!)

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~Pretend this is Noen in his wedding dress, (YES I SAID DRESS!!).~

~This Chanellanger and Cor's Dress, (Cor has matching covers and tubie pad to her dress

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~This Chanellanger and Cor's Dress, (Cor has matching covers and tubie pad to her dress.)~

~Pretend they are wearing a blue tie, Hexx is the one in the brown shoes (He has matching covers and a tubie pad to his outfit

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~Pretend they are wearing a blue tie, Hexx is the one in the brown shoes (He has matching covers and a tubie pad to his outfit.), and Gold is the second one.~


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Beastly Behavior// Choen+24KGOLDNWhere stories live. Discover now