Chapter 4

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**My wallpaper on my laptop.**    THANK YOU GUYS SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR 168 READS!!!!!!! Can we make it to 200 reads or 500 reads.

Dixie: *Kisses Addi* I wuv you to infinity and beyond.

Addison: Same baby, *Kisses back* Now let's get the bus loaded up.

Payton: Brycey- bear, you sit by me, cuz, I'll get lonely without you and your cuddles.

Bryce: Of course baby, *Sits next to Payton and cuddles with him.* Wuv you baby boy. *Kisses Payton*

Payton: I wuv you too Brycey-Bear to infinity and BEYOND!! *Kisses back* 

Charli: *Playing the X-Box with Avani, Addi, and Dixie.* You guys TRASH!!

Avani: *Attacks Charli with kisses.* you little rat, but i still wuv you.

Ondreaz: Making a TikTok with Tony, Josh, Jaden, Nick.* 

Bryant: We are stopping at a gas station for gas and snacks and drinks  and bathroom break in 5 minutes. 

Everyone: Okay, thanks Bryant for letting us know. *Goes back to what they were doing.*

Alex: You guys  NEED to see this video of  James and Finn, it SO funny! *Laughing his ass off.*

Thomas:  *being sarcasm* Ohhh.. Yeah SOOO funny. *Fake laughs*

Ryland: Thomas, we ALL know that was fake. *Joking punchs Thomas's arm.*

Thomas: NO DUH Dumbass. *Rolls his eyes at Ryland* That didn't hurt weakling.

Bryant: Hey, hey, hey, you cut it out before, I stop this bus and you two will be walking the rest of the way.

~Thomas and Ryland stop and they stop at the gas station.~

Charli: *Gets Takis, a cookie, Birthday cake bang, and gum, gummy worms, *

Avani:* Gets BBQ Lays, a Reese, Mango Bango bang, and a lolly, beef Jerky.*

Dixie: *Gets Black Charry Vanilla, Ranch Lays, gum ,Skittles.*

Addison: *Gets Pizza prigles, Lemon Drop bang, lolly*

Ondreaz: *Gets Hot Fries, Cotton Candy bang, gum.*

Ryland: *Gets Rainbow Unicorn bang, Nacho Cheese Lays, cookie, lolly.*

Tony: *Gets  Blue Razz bang, Cheestos, a Reese, gum, gummy worms.*

Nick: *Gets Peach Mango bang, cookie, gum, Goldfish.*

Bryce: *Gets Power Punch bang, cookie, lolly, Taco flavored chips.*

Payton: *Gets Purple Haze bang, skittles, cookie, Chedder Popcorn.*

Kio: *Gets Root Beer bang, cookie, skittles, Beef Jerky.*

Jaden: *Gets Sour Heads bang, cookie, Gummy worms, Chestos.*

Thomas: *gets Purple Guave Pear bang, gummy worms, lolly, Nacho Cheese chips.*

Alex: *Gets Bangter Berry bang, skittles, gummy worms, BBQ Lays.*

Kouvr: *Gets Goldfish, lolly, skittles, Frose Rose bang.*

Mia: *Gets Star Blast bang , Beef Jerky, skittles, Goldfish.*

Chase: *Gets Miami Cola bang, gummy worms, lolly, Talkis.*

Noen: *Gets Pina Colada bang, skittles, gummy worms, lolly, Hot Fries.*

Josh: *Gets Beef jerky, Skittles, Reese, Cookie, Chedder Popcorn.*

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