3- Uh oh

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It's been three weeks since I told everyone I'm pregnant including school, my parents (my mum already knew anyways), and my friends (not that i really have any apart from Isaac). Everyone and I mean everyone, has been treating me differently but lets face it everyone has been treating me differently from the moment they found out I was a... forget it .

Anyways, my morning sickness isn't getting any better and it's really getting me depressed. Good thing I have my true friend with me, it's the only thing that can never let me down. Sex.

I groan in pleasure at just the thought of it. It's beautiful, sexy and it helps me forget everything"I need it",And so I go get it.


" yes like that go in deeper, faster, harder, fuck me like you fuck your wife" I groan in pleasure of the feeling this gives me. I don't really know who he actually is all i know is that i want more and its killing me at the fact that in a couple months I won't be able to do this until I give birth, so i have to grab every opportunity i can get because i know i wont get this later.

5 months later

I'm now 8 months pregnant and It feels like hell. Everyone is judging me because of my age, i still don't know who the father of my baby is and i'm having back pains.

I honestly didn't think through about having this kid. How am i going to fund it its only going to be so much help I'm going to get from my parents until i'll have to find my own way of helping this baby.

I wont be able to go to school anymore until it can go to school. Oh i really didn't think this through. This is so much stress and i really want to go and fuck but i wont be able to go in many positions and my back will start hurting again. Life sucks.
" it's that hoe thats gone and got pregnant again, but this time she kept it, and she has the nerve to come back to school, she's brave" I heard one of the many people who were whispering about me, i hadn't come to school for a couple of weeks as i had a lot of things to do regarding the baby.

I am sick of people talking about me, if it wasn't because of Natasha ( the only girl that actually talks to me and befriends me) who was calming me down, i would have said thing that would of made them shut their fucking mouths up.

"She can't say shit" one of them said "Her mouth hurts because of all if the dick she's been sucking"

"OOOO!!" Everyone was laughing, that was it.

"YOU GOT SOMETHING TO SAY. COME FUCKING SAY IT TO MY FACE! YOU DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT MY LIFE, SO UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN IN MY SHOES, SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTHS BEFORE I DO IT FOR YOU!!" They were all silent after that, even Natasha was astonished , I'm not usually the aggressive type and believe it or not.

2 hours later

I'v just finished period 1 and 2 and i'm on my break. I thought maybe the teachers would show a bit more remorse, but no, their just as bad as the idiotic students, they treated me completely different. From all the other students and kept looking at my belly and i heard one of the teachers say to another " i feel so sorry for the poor kid, its gonna have a 16 year old mum who will probably abandon it for sex" She quietened her tone as she said the word sex as if it was taboo or something.

I just couldn't take it anymore its too much, if i see anyone else saying those type of words to me i swear i'm gonna walk out these school gates and never come back.

Luckily i didn't walk out of school but after school me natasha and Danielle ( another girl that actually talks to me ) went to the cinema's and ate Nando's then they dropped me at Isaac's
" Eyy, what's wrong with my favorite girl" Isaac said when he saw my face change.
"Everything" is what i wanted to say, but i knew that he would give me a really looong talk about how things would turn out ok in the end and everything is going to be fine, but he and we both know that thats not the case.

"Just back pains" i decided to say, which wasn't a lie, my back and feet were killing me, i sort of waddled everywhere and it hurt my feet. After i said that we started talking about the baby and how I was going to cope. He told me he would be there for me 27/7 but we both knew he wouldn't be able to.
" I just need sex to numb everything" I pleaded. Me and Isaac never had sex, he said he only does that when he has feelings for a girl, not because his dick is hard lool. We had sex once and that was when we were both drunk, but we both swore never to talk about it again, but things did become awkward between us after that for a while though. " Look i know we agreed not to bring this up but-"
" Then don't" He was being stubborn
I sighed " I think your the dad" i said straight out.

"Dad of who?"

"Don't try and play smart here, you know exactly what I'm talking about"

"How come all of a sudden you think it's me? How many people have you had sex with and you think it's me, please, save the baby drama for another man yeah, don't include me in it, I had sex with you once, I didn't even cum that much, your pussy stank and it was loose, I highly doubt any of my sperm entered you" I couldn't believe that he said that, especially to my face.

I got up and left, Fuck Isaac, I don't need him anymore he can go fuck himself. I'm half way down his stairs ready to open the door when i feel a gush of water coming from my leg.......... My waters broken.
Hey guys, So I decided to post this chapter, this is like the longest chapter I'v done so far. Chapters are not going to be up regularly because wattpad is not something i'm necessarily devoted to. I'm actually thinking about making it just a teenfic instead of a fanfic aswell, let me know what you think.

Never EnoughHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin