Chapter 4- happy happy day

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Solomon took me to see a movie, then we went to dinner. "What do you have for five dollars?" I asked the waiter
"This spork!"
"Yeah, I'll have the tuna salad" I said closing the menu. When she was gone Solomon and I started laughing.
We went home after we ate and he took me inside carrying me bridal style to my bed.
"Solomon" I said as he set me down.
"Will you stay with me?"
He smiled and laid beside me. I cuddled up to his chest and sighed happily.
"I love you" he said. I smiled and kissed his cheek "I love you too"
----next morning----
I woke up to the sweet smell of bacon. I got up, took my shower. And got dressed. As I came downstairs the smell wavered around my head, taunting me.
I ran to the kitchen and saw Solomon with a frying pan at the stove "hai! I made you bacon and eggs!" He said happily. I grinned and sat down. "Yay! I love bacon and eggs! Do we have any OJ?"
"Yep! Here!" He threw me a mini carton of OJ and I opened it. "By the way. Chapstique is coming over to give you guitar lessons. Hope you don't mind, I just need someone with you, while I go try to scoop up some money from the vet volunteers. But I'll be back in an hour" he said. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Okay, take your time though. Don't hurry yourself for me"
He smiled and hugged me. A few minutes later, the doorbell rang.
I of course ran to answer it. I opened it and Derek waved excitedly "hello! I'm giving you an old guitar of mine! Hope you like it!" He said. I grinned and excepted his guitar. "Thank you! Come on, I've got some tea on to boil" I said. He got excited and ran inside. "You boys and your tea" I said, laughing. Solomon chuckled and kissed me. "See you in a bit" he said. I smiled and walked him to his car. "Call me if Psycho^ comes" he said before getting in the car. I nodded and he drove away. I went back inside and Derek taught me the basics of playing guitar. Before long, Solomon was home. "Soli!!!" I exclaimed as I hugged him. "You said two hours, you were gone for 3 hours! Don't do that to me!" I said rapidly. He laughed a bit and kissed me. "Don't worry, baby. I'm back now" he said. I smiled and hugged him again. "I've gotta go meet my girl at the store. I'll see y'all later" Derek said. We both said goodbye and he went out the door. "Let's go have a water balloon fight!" We both said. We laughed and ran outside to our forts. I ducked behind mine and made water balloons. "Hey Solomon there's a Soul Glow Activatur behind you"
"WHERE?!" He shouted and stood up. I threw my water balloon at him hitting him square in the.... Heh.
He screamed like a girl and I fell over laughing. "Boys and their tenders" I said, rolling my eyes
"Alaina. Look! Chapstique bought you a bass guitar!" I heard him shout. I didn't want to believe him. But I have had my eyes on a certain bass guitar for awhile now and I just had to!
"Where is he?" I stood up. And he hit me with a water balloon. When I got a sight of him I couldn't stop laughing. "Time out! You look like you've just peed your pants!" I told him. He fell over laughing and grabbed the hose. Spraying me in the chest. I screamed, laughing.
When we finished our water balloon war, we went inside to change and eat. When we finished eating it was time to go to bed. "Soli, do you mind sleeping with me again?" I asked.
"Sure! I don't mind at all. Let me just go get dressed for bed. I'll be back" he kissed my head and left me sitting on the counter. I sighed and looked down at my left hand. Slightly sad.€
As I was staring at my hand, Solomon came back in. "Ready?" He asked. I smiled up at him and nodded. I got off the counter (I was already dressed for bed in a knee-high nightgown)
I sat down on the bed and laid back. Solomon followed what I did beside me and sighed. "I wish we could be like this forever" he said.
"Maybe we can?" I suggested. He turned his head to look at me. "So... You love me right?" He asked. My eyes widened and I lightly slapped him upside the head, "that's a crazy question!" I exclaimed. He laughed and straightened his glasses. "Yeah, you're right. But you wouldn't mind if I...."
"No, I wouldn't." I said, smiling.
"But I thought your dad was-"
"No. Just abusive. Nothing too huge"
"You never said he hit you"
"I know. I guess I forgot to mention that" I mumbled. He sighed and pulled me close to him. Rubbing up and down my back, he kissed me. "It'll be okay"
"I'll hold you" I said
"I'll hold you too" he mumbled
"And forever" I said, looking up at him
"We'll hold each other"

----the next morning----
I got up, still dazed about what happened with Solomon and I.
He asked me if I was ready to do all out with him. But not like, PG13 kind of all out.
I walked downstairs and had trouble opening the cabinets considering I was still tired.
I poured me some fruity pebbles®
And sat down on the couch with them. I felt the couch sink as Solomon sat beside me. He turned on the tv and we switched around certain channels between commercial breaks. "Alaina" Solomon said, suddenly "y.....eaa....?"
"How long has it been since you slept?" He asked. "Four....days..." I said, drifting to sleep on his shoulder. He put his hands under my back and put me on his lap. "Go to sleep, honey. I'll turn off the tv if you want" I shook my head. And fell asleep.
I woke up a few minutes later to find Solomon wasn't there. And the door was open. But the screen door was latched. I shrugged, and got up.
"I need some coffee" I mumbled. I poured me some coffee and saw a note attached to the coffee maker. I ripped it off and read it.
"Dear Alaina, sorry you woke up and I wasn't there. Derek's wife went in to labor and we were all surprised. Come to St Mary's hospital. We should be on the first floor. Love you baby :) -Solomon" I grinned and packed up my purse before going out to the car and driving to the hospital. I got there and looked for Crouton's crazy outfit. I spotted them and ran up to them. "Baby!" I shouted and hugged Soli. He grinned and kissed my head. "Hey! Do you still wanna have kids?" He asked. Pointing to he room where shouts erupted. Sounded like she was in serious pain.
"If it means getting a little angel. Then yes" I said, smiling.
He laughed and took me outside. "So Alaina.... We've been together for awhile now. But I promise you. I will marry you once the time is right. Okay?" He said. I tilted my head and noticed he had a small box in his hand. He handed it to me, opened. And I saw it was a ring with two hulk fists attached to the band of the ring, hugging a heart. I covered my mouth and hugged him "thank you!" I said. He smiled and put the ring on my left ring finger, "I promise you. When the time comes"
"I'll hold you"
"I'll hold you too" I said.
"And when the time comes"
"We'll hold each other forever" we both said in unison. I smiled and kissed him.
I heard Derek cheer, and we both ran back inside to see a beautiful blonde haired blue eyed baby girl. "OMG SOLI NOSEBLEED" I shouted and turned away. He laughed and turned me back. "Look, that'll be us" he said, pointing to Chapstique and his wife.
I smiled and Derek let me hold her. I couldn't take the cuteness. It was like a tiny female Chappy!
Solomon grinned and kissed my head, "so what're y'all gonna call her?" Crouton said,
his voice cracking. "We were thinking about Alaina for her middle name. And Delilah for her first name" Sarah, his wife said. I blushed and Solomon laughed. "Really?" I asked. They smiled and Chappy nodded. "She's beautiful. Just like you are, so I don't see why not"
I smiled and looked down at Delilah. "Hello Delilah Alaina Mount"
I grinned and hugged the baby.
Truly horrifying, thinking I would be Lauren, all sweaty, in pain on that bed.
Ewe. I just described, never mind.
Solomon took me outside and we went home. "So, when do you want to have a baby?" I asked.
"Eh... Whenever you're ready, kiddo." He said. I blushed and looked at my ring.
"When we're married" I said. Not wanting to break my virginity
"Just how I like you. Beautiful, and Godly"
I grinned and we went inside
"So, how cool is it having Delilah's middle name, named after you?"
"Pretty cool, and hard to take in. Does he really think I'm that beautiful?"
"Everybody does. Let's get you to bed" he said. I nodded and he helped me pick out my pajamas. I laughed when he pretended I was some model.
"Okay, I think I'm good. Let's go to bed" I said. He nodded and picked me up. "Do you want to...?"
"Build a snowman? No. Kiss you? Yes!"
I grinned and he kissed me. We came up for air a few minutes later, I fell backwards on the bed and sighed. "I will hold you" I said as he wrapped his arms around me
"And forever" he said
"We will hold each other"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2016 ⏰

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