Bridge Chapter n°01

358 15 122


. The female Holmes .

" They say that there is no such a thing as a perfect crime , so there is no such a thing as a perfect detective ... Or .. ? "


It was Saturday morning as Mikazuki decided to sleep a bit longer than usual , if it wasn't for her father who came to wake her up .

" It's time to wake up sleeping beauty ~ " he said as he went up to open the window .

" Don't . You . Dare " came Mikazuki's sleepy yet cold voice , warning her father and stopping him from doing whatever he was about to do .

He sweat dropped as it reminded him of his own wife " c'mon , you need to wake up "

" Why is that ? It is Saturday morning and I deserve to sleep ! " She said but it came out muffled because of the covers on her face .

" Yes of course . But I wanted to take you out with me today to shop a gift for your mother " he stated as his daughter slowly got up .

" Taku .. but this time listen to my advice at least and don't do like last time ! "

" But I thought she would like the magazine with the golden necklace ! "

" The necklace was fine , but you didn't have to add the magazine ! She can buy a magazine whenever she wants dad ! You know that a bottle of perfume would have been better right ?! "

" I was busy that time okay ?! "

" Taku , Then today do a bit of effort and forget work ! "

" Hai hai . Now go get changed and let's have breakfast "

" Hai .. "


They were now out in the huge shopping district as they went through different kind of shops , jewelery shops , and even clothes ones . But nothing came to Yusaku's liking .

" What the hell are you looking for dad ? We looked around almost .. EVERYTHING ! if you want something THAT unique for mom then you can make it or I don't know ! " Exclaimed Mikazuki as she can know what her father is looking for , but at the same time doesn't know where they can find one .

" Ma taku .. let's take a break at the ice cream shop " He said while he smiled down at her , a break is deserved after all . 

Mikazuki's head perked up excitedly like the child she is as she exclaimed while running ahead of her father to said shop : " ICE CREAM !! "

So then they went inside the ice cream shop , took a table and ordered their wished ice cream's flavors .

Once they got their orders , they started eating together while talking about the possible gifts they can offer Yukiko on her birthday .

As they were chattering and eating , they started hearing the police siren's approaching .

Soon , policemen walked inside as she could see them blocking the entrance of a store not far from where they were sitting .

One thought rang on her head : She was going to solve her first case .

She glanced at her father from the corner of her eyes and saw him looking toward said shop .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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