• Chapter 1 •

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You sit down at the picnic table in the woods clearing a black tin lunch pale infront of you " well Ed's it's been 63 days " you say opening the tin and pulling out a joint that you'd already made " I've been getting pretty good at rolling, you'd be proud of me. " you said lighting it
" Hey Ed's " you smile rolling your blunt at the table " Its been 92 days its a hot summer day today dustin's been teaching me dnd and I've been teaching him guitar "
" Sup Ed's " you say sitting at the table pulling a joint out your purse " I got that job at the family video with Harrington and Robin " you light it " it's been uh let's see... 146 days "
" Ed'sss sorry it's been a few days I've been working.. gotta make money " you sit down and take a joint out of your pocket lighting it " it's beennn " you take a hits " 204 days " you exhale
" eddie, eds, sorry I'm late sweetheart. "
You sit at the table " work has been swamped cause the end of summer. God it's a hot September day " you take a cigarette of your purse this time " sorry I didn't have time to buy a baggie this week " you light it taking a puff " it's been 218 days. "
" Hey eddie " you say entering in the clearing " there was and odd vibe on this walk today, I know it's crazy but it almost felt like someone was watching me. " you say putting your purse down on the table " God I miss you so much today " you say pacing around " I mean it's been 7 months and 4 days, I come here everyday hoping that maybe one day by the power of God you'll be alive some how bu- " you hear a branch break and turn around looking into the woods " hello?? " you call out walking into the woods a bit " whose the- " a whoosh and a hand over your mouth makes knots in your stomach " did you miss me princess? " you hear the familiar voice and feel the hot breath against your neck


Miss Me Princess? || Eddie Munson × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now