im running with the lgbt!! (LONG CHAPTER)

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The two entered the park, taking in the beautiful scenery. One ride in particular caught Rui's eyes. It was a big purple ride, a drop tower, to be specific. He smiled playfully and looked at Tsukasa. "Why don't we go on that one first?" He pointed.

Tsukasa looked over, staring at the drop tower for a moment before his eyes widened. "NO WAY! THATS SO HIGH RUI! Are you trying to scare me or something?!" He crossed his arms, pouting. Rui let out a small giggle. "We won't ride it then. Let's go." He then began walking towards the big rides and rollercoasters, all that good stuff.

Tsukasa followed behind closely, looking at all the games they could play. Obviously they wouldn't, though. They both knew they were rigged. At least most of them were.

Rui then looked over at a rollercoaster. It didn't have any loops or anything, just a few drops that didn't look too bad. "What about that one? It doesn't seem as bad at that drop tower." He pointed, looking to the other. Tsukasa glared at the rollercoaster. "Uh..Well..I guess I could give it a try." He smiled. Rui's eyes sparkled a bit as a wide smile appeared on his face.

"Great! Let's go! There's barely any people in line!" He grabbed his hand and ran to the line. They were lucky, so the rollercoaster was just pulling up from the last ride. Tsukasa could feel his face get warmer as he felt the others hand against his.

Only know did he realize how warm and soft Rui's hands were. He looked away slightly, trying to brush off the blush from his face. Once the other passengers from the last ride exited, they got on next. Rui waited for Tsukasa to get in the seat before putting their seatbelts on. "Is that too tight for you?" He asked.

Tsukasa shook his head, looking around. He seemed a little anxious. "I'm..a little scared." He said, looking away a bit. Rui grabbed his hand. "It's gonna be okay. You can hold onto my arm if you get scared. Don't worry." He smiled. "It'll be fun!" He said excitedly. Tsukasa looked him directly in the eyes, his face turning a bit red before looking directly in front of him. The ride began moving.

He wanted to kiss Rui so badly. But he couldn't do that.. he then watched as the ride went up. His breath shivered slightly, grabbing onto Rui's arm tightly. Meanwhile Rui still had that grin on his face, waiting for the ride to drop. "Are you ready?" He asked him. Tsukasa have no response. Eventually, they made it up that hill. And the ride dropped.

Tsukasa's eyes widened. He felt his stomach drop. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!" He screamed, closing his eyes tightly and holding onto the other for dear life. Meanwhile Rui was having the time of his life, one arm in the air and enjoying the ride. Eventually it came to a stop. Rui let out a sigh of relief, looking to Tsukasa, only to see that he looked..terrified.

"That was so scary. I swear I saw my whole life flash before my eyes! And I swear those drops turned bigger!" He frowned slightly, looking around. "Are you sure I'm not in heaven or something, Rui?" He asked.

Rui laughed. "No, you aren't dead." He smiled softly at Tsukasa, taking off the belt and getting off. Tsukasa, however, didn't let go of his arm. He wanted to, but something was telling him to keep holding on. He got off as well, following behind closely. Rui wasn't bothered at all by it, he enjoyed it a lot, actually. He never thought that only by this action would make tons of butterflies just explode in his chest. He was sure the other could feel them fluttering around at this point, even if he wasn't near his chest at all.

"Still scared?" Rui asked, looking to the other. Tsukasa frowned slightly. "Of course..not!" He scoffed, rolling his eyes. He too, felt a few butterflies burst in his stomach as well. He never felt this way before. Never. Although this feeling was really nice. He wanted to experience it more. "What next, then?" Tsukasa asked, looking around the park to see which rides he'd like to go on next.

Rui nudged him a bit. "It's your turn to choose, silly." He smiled warmly at the other. Tsukasa's eyes then sparkled at the sight of a place where they sold snacks. He then saw ice cream. "That. I know it isn't a ride but I'm..a little hungry." He chuckled sheepishly. The boy looked over at the snack place, then Tsukasa. "Sure. Ice cream, yes?" He could easily read him. Tsukasa nodded. They then headed over to the place.

"You can sit over there and wait, I can order. Everything's on me today, okay?" He grinned at Tsukasa. The blonde nodded. "Get me a vanilla..wait..yeah, vanilla!" He then sped over to a bench, kicking his legs back and forth like a dork.

Rui eventually got his hands on their ice cream. He walked over to the other and handed him his cone. He then got a taste of his own cone. "Yum. These are really good, you try." He looked over at Tsukasa. He glared at his cone and happily took a bite. His eyes sparkled in delight. "DELICIOUSSSSS!!!!" He yelled.

He then realized all the stares he got from the other people passing by. "Ah..Sorry." He glanced at Rui, seeing how he got a surprised expression from him, before bursting into laughter.

"H-hey! It's not funny, you can really be a brat sometimes, Rui!" He frowned, shoving him a bit as a joke. He just got more laughs in response. Eventually, Rui pulled himself together and smiled. "You can really be silly sometimes, Tsukasa. That has to be my favorite trait about you." He said in a calm tone. Tsukasa stared with sparkling eyes, his face slowly turning a shade of red.

His heart just skipped a beat when those words came out of his mouth. He looked away covering his mouth. He was so head over heels for him. So in love. It was obvious at this point. "Really?" He smiled under his hand.


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