II. The Sea God's Broken Oath.

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Chapter Two:
The Sea God's Broken Oath.
Her fight and fury is fiery, oh, but
she loves like   sleep to the freezing !

Capture the Flag was a game that took place every couple of months throughout a year.

Usually, those the most excited for the games were the Ares cabin who always enjoyed showing off their skills in war, and sometimes the Hermes because they enjoyed playing their pranks on other campers without much consequences. The Apollo Cabin, too, enjoyed the game — it was the aftermath of the games that they disliked. They were the camp's designated medics (despite not being licensed) because their father was the god of medicine and plagues. They had to deal with the wounded, and it couldn't have been fun, but they made due with it. Some of them had to sit out of to be on standby in case anyone was extremely injured whilst the game was still going, but they made sure that the siblings who were going to be playing were in the best shape and bringing their A Game. For that day's game, Cabin Seven was making an alliance with Athena's spawns — something Annabeth Chase had declared early on; There was no way in Tartarus that she was going to let her best friend be on a separate team from her and their honorary brother which is why she also called dibs on the packed Hermes cabin.

She had chosen the two biggest cabins and reluctantly agreed on letting the Ares Cabin have everyone else. The Aphrodite cabin might have had a few campers who enjoyed being in a fight, but most of them downright refused to play something that they thought was oh-so barbaric. The other cabins had less kids, but could be just as brutal as those in cabin five. It was a win-win situation, she supposed.

The funny thing was that most people assumed that the Apollo's kids were too nice to do any actual harm to any of the other campers, but they seemed to forget that Colette Victoire wasn't always so kind. When in a fight, she became a completely different person and it never failed to amaze Annabeth. The brunette was constantly in awe of her best friend, seeing the blonde become just as bloodthirsty as the average Ares kid was both terrifying (and attractive at the same time). Colette could become so enthralled with battle, so focused and calculative as she took down her opposers. Most of the people that knew her well, knew to never cross Colette in a fight because, much like her last name, it would always end in her victory. If anyone wronged her, they'd have to face her fury which remained buried and at bay until the dam was cracked wide open. In that sense, and many others, she was much like her father. She could be just as cruel as the god who'd lost one too many lovers over the centuries; Their rage was exponential.

               "Blue Team, forward!" Annabeth shouted her first order as soon as Chiron gave the all clear, earning wild cheers from both cabins as they followed her down the path down south of the woods. Everyone ignored the taunts being yelled at them by the Red Team. A sudden brightness next to her made her smile slightly as she continued marching.

"What am I to do this time, Annie?" Colette grinned in exhilaration, fully ready to do whatever asked of her to win this game.

Annabeth looked at the blonde through the corner of her eye, biting down the wider smile that threatened to make itself present when the French girl leaned towards her in anticipation. "You're getting the flag." She whispered, taking pride in the way those baby blues lit up and determination shone through them. She knew that they were going to win now, nothing would stand in the way of Colette and her determined soul and body.

The blonde sent her best friend a conspiratorial wink before nodding and getting her siblings to follow her in a separate direction. Austin Lake and Michael Yew took their places up high in the trees, arrows notched and prepared to be fired at anyone who tried to get in their sister's way. The plan would (had to) go perfectly.

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