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Kochos POV around 10 pm

"So basically thats what happened." Tengen said. I sat there, not knowing what to think.

"He's so stupid." I mumbled. Tengen got closer to my ear and whispered.

"I know you're a worried girlfriend but like, when is he to wake up? I want to have the flashiest month with him." Tengen whispered.

He backed away and I turned my head. "How do you know?" I exclaimed.

"it's obvious. Ha! Joking, he told me at the hot spring." Tengen said.

"oh. Well, just don't tell anyone else please." I said. He nodded. I got up to walk into Giyuu's room and Tengen followed.

"With the antibiotics I gave him, he should be awake soon. Im glad it wasn't anymore damaged since he inhaled it and didn't digest it. " I said.

"Good, Good." Tengen said as if he were an expert. "Tengen, please watch out for him the rest of the month. He's so stupid and doesn't know any better." I said with a sincere tone.

"Don't worry, if I can't put him in place I'm sure my wives can." Tengen said. I giggled.

We stood in silence till we heard a knock on the door. "Can you get the door Tengen?" I asked and he walked over to the door and opened it.

"What happened to him?" Maki said as she bursted through the door. Ugh, really, her? Can't she just leave him alone I thought to myself.

"He did something really super flashy with some bombs and he was inside and went boo-bam and then dunn bc! Although He got in contact with some Toxins, he should be fine soon." Tengen said.

Maki rushed to his side and cupped his face with one hand and stroking his head with the other.

"Are you sure she isn't the girlfriend?" Tengen jokingly whispered to me. I kicked his leg and walked out. I sat down in a chair outside Giyuu's room.

"I can't believe this. He's so stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. We haven't seen each other in a while and this is how he comes back?" I mumbled to myself with anger.

"And then Maki? please it's like she's in love with him. Can't she leave him alone? I can take care of him, I'm his girlfriend and a doctor." I continued mumbling to myself.

"It sounds like you don't like that girl, Kocho."Tengen Interrupted me. I looked up at him, he sat down next to me.

"I don't. But he loves her, it's like his only family left. Although it's like she seems him more than family, it drives me crazy, she's like an attention sucking demon." I told him.

"You can choose to tell him that you arent comfortable with her." Tengen said.

"Well, Yeah, but that'll make me seem jealous. And that's the last thing I want to be." I answered.

"Well I think the last thing he'd want you to feel is uncomfortable, he likes you a lot. Then again, it's your choice to bring it up." Tengen said. He then got up and walked out.

"Let me know when he's up! We need to take the next mission as soon as we can!" He shouted from down the hall.  I walked back into his room and he was awake, chatting it away with Maki.

"Maki, why didn't you tell me he was awake?" I said with an annoyed tone.

"I just didn't think it was that important, I mean your friend said he was fine." She said with not a single care.

I felt my blood boil and my veins pop out, my fist form into a ball, I tried to calm myself down.

"Yeah well, im the doctor here, not him. Can you leave so I can give him a full checkup." I said with an ugly attitude.

"Whatever. I'll make you Salmon Daikon tonight." She said then gave him a kiss on the head. I rolled my eyes. I heard the door close behind me.

"Hey, Sorry about that-" I cut him off. I began hitting his chest with my small hands and yelled out him.

"DON'T HEY ME, GIYUU! ARE YOU CRAZY? YOU COULD'VE DIED! I COULD'VE LOST YOU!" I said in between cries, still hitting his chest. I stopped and looked at him. He looked at me with crazy eyes.

"I didn't though? What's the big deal? I mean I'm safe now, nothing went wrong." He said calmly.

"What's the big deal? Ha! Bc What if you didn't make it out? Or you were in there for way longer. What if I couldn't fix you?!" I shouted.

"Okay- I'm..I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't think about you. I'm sorry for being selfish." He said.

I sniffed. "Promise me you won't do something stupid like that again."

"Well, if it means getting hit with your tiny remarkable hands, then I promise. I promise I won't do any reckless or stupid things." He said with a slight smile.

"Good. Because I have sharp knives and poison, so you don't have a choice." I said with a smile and kissed him.

We separated our faces and he looked at me. " I promise, I'll always Choose you." He said randomly. I was slightly taken aback.

"Why did you say that?" I asked. "I feel like something's bothering you. So I'm promising I'll always choose to be on your side."

I smiled at him and he did as well. "Well, you can go back to work Tomorrow, just drink the medicine I'm gonna give you for a week straight." I handed him a bottle.

"Alright, well, am I gonna see you later?" He asked. "Only if you stay up, I have to finish some stuff around here, but you should probably go to bed when you get home since you'll most likely have a mission tomorrow."

"Well, can't I just stay here?" He insisted. I froze. "Is something wrong?"

"Well, it's just, I haven't really told the girls about me and you yet. Aoi is the only one who knows. Especially the younger ones, they're almost like my daughters and-"

"It's fine, I get it, I'll go home, but that means you have to pass by once I'm done with my mission. You have no choice." He joked. I giggled and agreed. He got up, gave me a kiss and left. I sighed, "I can't believe I'm in love with him."

Tomiokas POV

I finally arrived to the estate, after walking awhile, I took off my shoes and put on slippers. "Maki! I'm home!" I shouted.

"Over here!" She shouted from the living room. She patted down a spot next to her on the sofa. "Hey, can I tell you something?" She said and I nodded while I sat down next to her.

"Don't get mad but, I think you should break up with that Shinobou girl." She said. I looked at her, in a confused manner.

"Why?" I said with a snarky tone. "I told you not to get mad. It's just, she's really possessive of you. She never wants to let me be around you." She continued. "I just think she ain't the right choice. You've had better options. I'm just trying to protect you before she does something crazy."

"You don't have the right to criticize Shinobou. She's not possessive you're just always around the wrong time. And I don't care what you think, she's the right choice, otherwise I wouldn't have been her boyfriend. You're not the one to protect me. I don't need protecting." I said defensively.

I got up and walked up to my room. I climbed into bed. "better choices?" I scoffed and fell asleep.

End of chapter

ngl this was kinda boring to write but whatever, think of it as a filler. I just need to think of better things to write. I kinda have writers block 👎🏽👎🏽

Sorry for the short chapter as well! And I slipped some foreshadowing in this chapter 😈😈 let's see if some can figure out what it is.

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