Chapter Seven

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I woke by someone gently shaking my shoulder, and found the sky still dark and the road flashing by under the truck's headlights. My forehead felt numb pressed against the cold glass and I peeled my head away, rubbing my heavy eyes. It was useless to try and wake myself. I hadn't slept in a long time and the few short hours weren't enough.

"Sorry," Jude apologized. "I didn't really want to wake you."

"No, that was the deal. You need sleep too." I sat up straighter and glanced at the gas gage. It was higher than it was, and I couldn't believe he stopped and it didn't wake me. "Did you already use the extra gas?"

"About a half hour ago, but it's not going to get us far. This truck doesn't have great gas milage."

"Let me take over so you can get some rest. I'll drive this thing until the last drop if I have to."

Jude eyed me and then the dashboard, hesitating.

"What?" I asked bluntly. "Do you think I can't drive?"

"Can you?" Jude raised an eyebrow and then studied me with a crooked smile.

I narrowed my eyes. "Of course I can.

"It's just—" He bobbed his head from side to side, debating with himself. "I've just had problems in the past with other people driving while I'm asleep. One didn't end so well."

I was taken back, not expecting him to tell me something like that—something personal. His thumb was lightly drumming the steering wheel and I couldn't tear my gaze away.

"I promise I won't crash." I mumbled quickly, then I added, "At least not too horribly." I shrugged, pretending I didn't care.

"You haven't been drinking, have you?"


I slid over and grabbed the wheel. Once Jude saw I wasn't going to swerve off the road, he shifted closer to me, his leg brushing up against mine. I sat up so he could move over, and felt his breath on the back of my neck as he slid behind me. I positioned myself behind the wheel. I tried to keep my eyes on the road, but I was too aware he was hesitating in the seat next to me, not yet moving over.

"What?" My voice was quiet and I stole a glance.

Jude was eyeing me closely, the dashboard light shining off his dark eyes. He was positioned like he was going to move over but paused, thinking of something he had yet to say.

I asked again, even softer, "What?"

Then he lowered his gaze, showing that crooked smile again as he finally moved away. "Just don't crash."

Jude didn't waste any time and went to sleep leaning against the door.

My eyes wandered down to the gas gauge as the hours rolled on, blending into one after another. I guessed we had until dawn before the truck ran out of gas, which was only a couple hours away. We still had the hose, so the option to syphon gas from an abandoned car was always a possibility.

I wasn't sure what Jude would want to do either.

I'd never stayed with someone this long before, it was out of the ordinary for me because it always felt safest when I was alone. But maybe this time, this was the safest thing to do. Maybe it was what stopped me from pulling over on the side of the road and going my own way.

I itched to look over towards the sleeping boy next to me.

I debated, and then stole a quick glance. Jude's dark form was gently outlined by the dashboard lights, sharpening the features of his face. I pulled my attention to the road, starting to wonder about the reasons for people tending to get into accidents while Jude slept. All my conclusions ended up with him. Because maybe he was too tempting to look at.

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