Chapter Eighteen

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 As Philadelphia came closer, the inside of the Jeep became quieter. Even Elliot, who decided to ride the rest of the way with us, wasn't saying anything. We were nearing the city limits and making our way downtown using the freeway, staring at what was left of the skyscrapers in the distance. It was slow going. Abandoned cars were everywhere and Kaileb was constantly weaving in and out of the unmoving traffic. But we were lucky we didn't have to stop again. Most of the traffic was headed out of the city, and not going in.

A city was a foreign place for me now, and my stomach was in knots. Tighter and tighter as we got closer.

"Do you guys . . ." Elliot started slowly, "ever think about what this will all be like once they leave?"

Jude and I share a knowing look, remembering what the Scrapper told us.

Kaileb shook his head. "Who's saying if they're going to leave at all?"

"I'm just saying if they did, in theory. What do you think will happen? There aren't enough humans anymore to just continue like we were."

Kaileb laughed once without any humor. "You think too much, Elliot. It's better to focus on what is here and now, not the future. We don't even know if there's going to be one."

"We'll be lucky if they leave any of us alive," Jude said.

We didn't talk anymore after that. Just watched the city as it came closer.

I'd been to Philadelphia once when I was younger, and since then, it had become so different. The parks were left empty and quiet, and the houses and apartments were forever dark. I was glad there were no bodies in the road—nothing left behind to remind me of what happened. It wasn't as bad out in the country, where there wasn't much of anything to begin with. But here, in the city where it was supposed to be the opposite, gave me a weird ache in my stomach.

It was wrong.

"Kaileb, slow down." Jude sat forward, looking through the windshield.

"I see it."

I looked at the road ahead and saw we were almost into downtown but there was a blockade in the road, made up of cars and cement barriers.

"Do you think it's theirs?" Kaileb asked. "It's a perfect way to trap people trying to get into the city."

"No, I don't think so. They aren't afraid of exposing themselves and they would have by now."

We pulled a stop and Kaileb was fingering our only weapon, his foot tapping nervously. He opened his door and stepped out into the snow, followed closely by Jude who was also on edge. I caught his eye before he closed the door and he gave me a small smile, trying to reassure me. I climbed into the front seat behind the wheel and Elliot stayed in the car with me, ready to help if they needed it. The seat—still warm from Kaileb—kept my nerves at a minimum. I glanced in the rearview mirror, seeing Silas and Kate still in their car behind us.

We sat in silence as they walked towards the barrier, their steps tentative and careful. My heart thumped at a steady pace. I didn't like the feeling of Jude walking farther away from me, closing in on something that could be of danger to him.

People suddenly appeared from behind the cars, most of them carrying rifles and were already advancing towards Jude and Kaileb. One of the men spoke a couple of words to Jude, and he motioned for us to get out of the cars. We didn't hesitate and Elliot met me at the front of the headlights. The snow was wet as I walked towards them, the slush slapping against the soles of my boots. The other two were right behind us by the time we reached them. The strangers created a half circle around us, none of them saying a word. Jude reached back and touched my arm, making sure I was near, and I took a step closer.

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