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~Current Time~ (about a couple hours later at dawn)

Izuku woke up, feeling the same strange sensation in his body from before but had no idea what it was.

[Izuku]: "What happened? Was the villain caught? How long was I out..." His eyes shot wide open with panic and realization.  

He stood up, but quickly realized that he was so close to the ground, as if he'd shrunken down to a size smaller than a baby. Looking at his hands, he yelped with surprise as his hands were now replaced with a set of tiny paws, along with his feet.

[Izuku]: "Why do I have paws?! What am I?! Did the villain do this to me?!" He ran around awkwardly on his hind legs to the nearest puddle of water to see his reflection.  

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. His reflection showed a tiny dark green bunny with a tan underbelly and very large ears. Quickly, he pieced together the situation and realized that what had happened to him had happened to all those other people who went missing.

[Izuku]: *gasp* "The school probably thinks I'm missing! I should've gotten back from my mission hours ago! I have to reassure them that I'm ok!" He ran out of the alleyway on his hind legs but quickly adjusted to going on all fours.  

Since it was morning now, the streets were bustling with traffic and people, which was overwhelming for his new tiny size. He raced across the streets and underneath cars as fast as he could, barely managing to not get run over or trampled on. His adrenaline peaked when he bumped into a large crowd of people huddled around the tv screens in a store that were broadcasting the news. The headline was "Student From UA High School has gone missing."

[Izuku]: "Oh... this is bad... I'm already on the headline..." He managed to see past the crowd of people and saw a picture of himself on all the screens.  

He quickly continued running down the streets, trying to make his way back to UA; luckily he remembered the way back. Although, it was no cake walk. Every moment on his way back, he kept fumbling over the dents in the road (which were nothing for humans), almost got run over by cars (again), and little kids tried to chase him all over the place. At some point when he tried to leap the last part of the road that would bring him across the street, he got hit by a car. The driver got out of the car since she knew that she hit something, but he already ran away. It took him almost all day to finally reach the forest that leads to the front of UA; it's close to sunset.

[Izuku]: "Almost there..." He trudged out of the forest and onto the main pathway at the front of UA but collapsed a moment later. 

(heyo, cliffhanger time lol. The next part is already posted so you'll find out what happens next in a couple seconds if you continue reading :D)

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