A trip into Morana's memories

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Flashback (The day of the mission)

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Flashback (The day of the mission)

“Give me a location" I said while pressing my gun into his temple.

“The fox hole, tonight at 11,” he said

“Why would he be there?”

“To collect information from Sky” he said in a shaky voice

“Whose Sky?” I asked

“You don't know Sky” he said in disbelief

“If I knew Sky I wouldn't be asking” I said in annoyance

“She’s your sister” he said and I heard footsteps coming our.

It must be one of the others

“One last question”

“And you won't harm my daughters right?" he asked and I nod.

“What kind of information do Sky have that he needs so much?”

Why would my dad risks his life to come to Italy for information. Why come into the lion den out of all places.

“She works for Alessandro but he has no idea who is she. She go by the name Amy when she's working for Alessandro. She has been collecting information on you, your sister and Alessandro,” he said and I shoot him before Lorenzo walked in.

“Last one” I said before turning to him.

He looked at the dead guy before looking at me.

“Did you get any information from him” he asked

“Sadly no. He was one stubborn asshole,” I said and he sighed.

“Did you get the files Alessandro wanted" I asked and he nod.

“Let's go then" I said while removing the silencer from my gun with a piece of cloth.

•°• (The night after the mission)

Do you like her?” I said after a while of silence between Lorenzo and I.

“Yeah,” he said and I looked at him.

“Come on Rosa don't look at me," he said while turning his face to the other side.

I glance over at the clock and it was 10 p.m. It's time soon

I smiled at him before looking back at the ceiling.  “I’m so bored," I said

“Let's go downstairs to the bar" he offered.

“No,” I said before standing.

I have other plans sweet face

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