Yippee another day at dreaded dinoschool. If my day couldn't have gotten any weirder, all of a sudden, my crush hottasourus Rex walks by me and all I'm thinking is how much I'd like to be his dinogirl. Well his real name is Daniel. Awwww Daniel......nor did I realize I was saying this outloud, so of course the main bitch of the bitchasouruses said,' ummmmmm r u crushing on my dinoboy?' WHAT!!! And here this bitch is calling me a skank. HA! So funny. All I managed to say was touché. And of course that pissed her off! ' meet me at the fountain after dinoschool I'll show you a lesson.AFTER DINOSCHOOL
As soon as I got there I felt regret crawling inside of my stomach. I walked up to Brianna and then she started clawing at my face. So you know what I did next, yep you guessed it I took a bite out of that bitch. Jk I wish all I did was lay there taking in all of the punches waiting for them to be over, and then Mr. Otto, or Mr.E, pulled the bitchasouruses off of me and sent them to Dr. Widgeworths office ASAP. He helped me up, then I went home as fast as I could, cause all I felt was embarrassment inside of me eating my soul.